24. "Only the strongest survive"

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Chp24. "Only the strongest survive"



I opened my eyes as the light shinning trough the window hit my face. I groaned to myself and quickly covered my face with the bed sheets. I wasn't in no mood for sunshine because sunshine meant happiness and I certainty was not happy. After a few minutes of laying in bed, I decided I needed to get up. As much as I just wanted to lay in bed all day, I just couldn't.

I made my way over to the bag that was placed in the desk. Austin had left it there, the bag contained a few clothes that Austin- himself packed just for me. I couldn't keep wearing the same thing over and over that's for damn sure. I picked up a random pair of jeans following along with a simple floral top. I was always a girly girl. Anything pink, floral or sparkly- I would sure enjoy. Which brought me to thinking, maybe that's why I was always viewed as the good girl. As the innocent one. Not only did I act like it but I sure also carried the look as well. I sighed to myself and made my way to the bathroom to take a nice calming shower to hopefully release some stress.

Finally, after my hair dried completely from my shower I did my usual half pony tail and finished it up as I put my ballet flats on. Last night I had decided that I wasn't going to be weak anymore. I know that I've said it many times already but I was serious now. I wasn't going to let anyone get through me. I was hurt way too many times to possibly even feel anything now. And maybe I am weak, but I wasn't going to show it. Nope, not anymore. I'm keeping my head held up high even though I'm really broken inside. This wasn't a time for weakness.

"Only the strongest survive." I mumbled to myself, trying hard not to forget.

A small knock on the door had caught my attention and I quickly turned. "Can I come in?" I heard a steady voice coming from behind the door. It didn't sound like Austin so it must be Damon.

I nodded my head but then I realized he was behind the door and couldn't even see me. "Yes." I breathed out, granting him permission.

The door opened and a smiling Damon was in the way. "Morning." Damon said. "Coming down for breakfast?" He beamed.

"Uhm, yeah." I gave him a fake smile back weakly. I was trying. "I'll be right down."

"Okay!" He clapped his hands together. "I'll see you then."

The door closed back up again and I exhaled a sigh relief. This was going to be the real first time I was going to see Austin face to face. I really didn't want to, but there was no escaping this one. After the whole situation yesterday, saying I was speechless would be an understatement. The sad thing is, while he was my first kiss; I was probably yet another stupid girl he kissed. Nothing unusual here.

I clearly remembered that day at the lunch room like it was only yesterday. Drew and Macy were all sitting down with me as we all watched Austin yell with one of his many hookups. I remember how much of a jerk he was to that girl. Embarrassing her in front of everyone and screaming out to her that he practically used her. Poor girl, she should have seen it coming. Everyone knew Austin wasn't the relationship type, he was always the player- the heartbreaker. Used you and after he was done having his fun, threw you away and stepped on you like you were some gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe.

I shook my thoughts away. Why am I even thinking about this? This is completely pointless to me. I slowly ran a hand through my hair, making sure it looked presentable. I didn't know how I was doing it, managing to stay here and all. I didn't know. But I will do anything possible to finally just go home.

"I'm doing this for you dad." I closed my eyes as I whispered those meaningful words. I will get through this, no more crying- no more weakness. I'm doing this for dad, he would be happy. I know he would. I will make him proud.

I opened the door and stepped to the hallways. A few scenes of me being pushed up against that very same wall by Austin as our lips found each other's, rushed through my mind.

I hated it.

I hated it.

I hated it.

I hated how I wasn't able to forget, yet he has probably forgotten everything. Maybe even forgotten who I was. This isn't fair. Sometimes I just wish I was like him- so cold inside. No feelings whatsoever. I shook my mind away once again and made my way down the stairs.

As I reached the dinning room, everyone was already in a seat eating. Not like I expected them to wait for me or anything.

"What are you doing here?" Stella snapped at me right away. Well good morning to you too. What did I ever do to this girl? I've only been here for a day and I'm already making her wish I was dead.

Damon answered for me. "She's our guest."

"So?" She shrugged looking at Damon.

Austin was sitting next to Damon whom was sitting next to Stella. Technically, Damon was being the wall that was separating both Austin and Stella. Austin put his fork down and looked at me. He was wearing a muscle shirt and he was back to wearing a beanie. I tried my best to avoid meeting his eyes but I felt them, he was staring me down- burning right threw me.

"So- she's going to be eating with us." Damon took the orange juice that was in his hands and placed on the table. Standing up, he reached over to me and took me by the hand, leading me to a seat. Unluckily for me, it was across from Austin.

Oh, How lovely.

In a matter of seconds a plate of pancakes and bacon was placed in front of me by Damon. "Thanks." I said politely.

Damon smiled at me. "Don't mention it."

I took a look at the food in front of me. It all look so good, I was dying to finally be able to dig in. I picked my fork and cut into my pancakes but before I was even able to taste them Austin decided to make yet again another scene. He just loves this, I can tell.

"So what's with you two, huh?" He questioned casually as if were the most simplest question in the world. Where is he going with this?

"What?" Damon gave Austin a confused look as he took his seat again.

Austin chuckled after he had swallowed his food. "You know what I mean. It's pretty obvious."

"What are you talking about, Austin?" I interfered this time. I wasn't going to let him get what he wanted. He always loved the attention he managed to get. Always wanted to start pointless problems.

"What? Did you let him hit it last night?" Austin's tone in voice changed drastically. "Is that why you're all smiling? Is that so?" Austin eyes darted to me. Changing his mood completely. In a heartbeat he was a complete different person. It was scary to even think about it.

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice offended. He was really just trying to call me a slut.

"Austin shut up. You don't know what you're saying. " Damon took guard right away. "Bro, why the fuck are you acting this way?" He challenged Austin. Pushing his dinner plate away he tuned his body to face him.

I heard Stella snickering with laughter in the distance. Oh I'm sure she was just loving watching the show. Great for her.

"Acting like what?" Austin challenged back, only he had a smirk on his face. "I'm not acting like anything."

Damon lowered his voice. "You're being very disrespectful. I don't care about me, but you're being disrespectful to Mia."

My eyes were starting to sting a little, but I ignored it. Austin laughed codly. "So that's what it is? You're mad she wasn't any good?" Austin brought a hand to his moth and laughed. "I know the feeling, Damon." He nodded as he pat Damon's shoulder.

I wasn't going to sit here and be disrespected by Austin. I may be a lot of things, but promiscuous was certainly not one. "You're calling me a slut?" I yelled, but it came out more of a squeak of how mad I was.

He shrugged and looked to me. Austin licked his lips slowly. "Your words not mine. And if I am- so what?" He shrugged carelessly.

"Austin." Damon warned.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Austin paused between each word. "Or I- myself will shut you up instead." He threaded Damon.

What was this shit he was trying to pull? I always knew Austin was bipolar and had anger issues, but this? This was different. He had absolutely no right to start this mess. Every time he would open his mouth, everything would just get worse.

I balled my hands into fists, and quickly stood up from my seat. "Who are you calling a slut? You know damn well I am certainly not that. You on the other hand-" I paused. "You're a fucking manwhore." I cursed out. Obviously I was out of it, anger had taken over me. "You sleep around with every single thing that's willing to open their legs!" I yelled.

However, this didn't seem to upset Austin at all. Which I'm surprised I might say, I would've thought this would had set him off. After all it's true what they say; you can't get mad at the truth. But instead he looked proud.

"At least I can get some." He mumbled under his breath. "That's what you wanted, right Damon?"

"- you offered me your room instead, so you can just go on off and have your little fun with Mia." Austin returned back to his angry expression. He clenched his jaw tightly. "I should've known."

"Austin stop!" I heard a yell. It wasn't Damon though, it was Stella. This completely surprising. "You're being an asshole."

Austin head shot right up and turned right to Stella. "Learned from the best, babe." He rolled his eyes.

I took my seat again, I wasn't going to waste one more breath on this pointless crap. I was so over it, I was so over Austin.

"You don't fucking own her!" Damon hovered over Austin. "You don't own Mia. You don't have the right to act so possesive!" He hissed at Austin with nothing but anger. "So stop acting this way, you're making yourself look bad." Damon finished along calming himself.

"Like I give a fuck" Austin hissed annoyed.

Damon gave in, knowing there was no way in earth he was going to overcome Austin. He shook his head and gave me an apologetic look. I nodded back at him in understanding. I had tried so hard to keep the tears from falling but each second it would only get harder and harder.

Stella though, wasn't done. "What the hell happened to you?" She shook her head in disbelief. The look on her face told everything, she was seeing a whole different person. I also was seeing a whole different person, which only made me wonder how many other sides of Austin were there? Either way, I didn't want to find out.

Somehow this heated Austin up. He was furious, more furious than I have ever seen him before. It was quite scary. He walked away from his seat and near Stella, fury in his face.

"What the hell happened to me?" He yelled at her."What the hell happened to me?" He repeated again louder this time. I was amazed about how calm Stella was. If I were in her place I would be bawling my eyes. Lucky for me, I wasn't.

"You!" He spat, as his veins popped. "You happened to me!" Austin yelled at her face. "You fucking ruined me! This is all your damn fault!"

"- I knew you were no good for me, but I let you fool me." Austin brought his voice down a notch. "How stupid of me." The way he was looking at Stella was horrible, just plain horrible.

"I said I was sorry." Stella spoke calmly.

"Sorry isn't going to fix anything. Just fuck off." He snapped. "You're nothing to me, never will be. Remember that. I fucking despise you." He snarled.

"Don't you dare fucking talk to sister that way!" Damon finally stepped in.

"What are you gonna do huh?" Austin stepped away from Stella and dashed over to Damon. "I can kill you in a heartbeat. And trust me- I won't be sorry." He spoke lowly.

The whole room felt silent and seconds later Stella pushed herself out of the table but a second paused right in her tracks. "Oh and Austin?" She held her head up high with dignity. "You did this to yourself." And after those words she disappeared away.

Damon on the other side was still exploding. His face was red, almost as red as his hair. "After all the shit I helped you with... This is how you act?" He shook his head. "I know what my sister did was wrong- everything she did" he paused. "But don't bring this out on me, most importantly Mia. Because we all know- Mia had absolutely nothing to do with your damn problems." and with that Damon had disappeared following along right behind with his sister.

The awkward tension quickly rose up. I was still sitting down with the plate of my untouched food right in front of me. Austin hadn't looked at me at all. He kept his gaze somewhere else but me. He bit on his lip hard as he stared off to the distance. He picked up his hand and ran it through his entire face as he let out a frustrated groan. When he got quiet again, the hand was still blocking half of his face. I parted my eyes from him. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want anything to do with him. Not after this. This- whatever it was, it's not right. To just start out of the middle of nowhere, it want right. I stared at food and only that until time passed by.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps. I lifted my head up it was Austin. He was now standing right in front of me. I looked into his eyes, sorrow. But did he really feel sorry? With Austin, you could never tell. He sighed as I refused to look at him. But finally, I have up and placed my eyes on him. His eyes were focused on me, it was the most intense eye contact, however neither of us broke away.

Austin reached to his pocket. I was confused at what he was doing but finally he pulled out his phone. He reached out to me with his iPhone in his hand.

"Here." Austin said motioning to his iPhone. "Call your mom."



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