17. "What about him?"

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Chp17. "What about him?"



When the door made that clicking sound to inform me that it was locked shut, I completely spun around to face the blonde, blue eyed boy.

He didn't look like how he did downstairs when I first met him, he looked determined. I was terrified for my life.

"What are you doing?" I asked panicked as he took closer and closer steps towards me.

"I've been waiting do this ever since I found out who you were." He smirked mischievously, I needed to get out of here.

But where? There wasn't a way out, I was stuck. There wasn't even a single window for a way out. Nothing.

On the verge of crying, I f managed to speak some words out. "Are you going to hurt me?" I questioned.

Ignoring my words he continued to walk closer and closer to me, as each time I would take steps back. It was no use, I highly doubt I will make it out of this room without being touched.

A few tears spilled from my eyes and to my cheeks, I couldn't help it.

"Please don't hurt me, please." I begged. "I could give you money if that's what you want."

Brandon furrowed his eyebrows for a few seconds but his face expression quickly changed. He started laughing, it wasn't a good laugh. I could tell. It was sneaky and mischievous, and those two were definitely not a good combination.

He paused and looked at me.

"Oh, do you ever shut up?" He said in annoyance. "You have no money. I know about you. Now shut up before you're sorry you haven't."

"Then what do you want? Just let me go, I won't tell anyone this happened. I swear." This time the tears wouldn't stop. They kept coming one after the other. I didn't know what he wanted from me but I knew right away it wasn't going to be any good.

Brandon shrugged, "I'm just doing my job. Following orders."

Confusion ran across me slightly, but I was way too scared to focus on that. He took a few more steps towards me. I backed up each time he did. But suddenly my back was to the wall and I had nowhere left to turn. A small feeling ran through me, my stomach wouldn't stop doing flips and turns. My eyes popped out of my face as soon as I saw Brandon pull out a pocket knife out of his back pocket. He then smirked at my reaction and touched my cheek with his hand, while he held the pocket knife in the other.

This isn't how things are supposed to go. My mind was going crazy.

Self defense, Mia.

Self defense.

I quickly remembered my dad teaching me a few moves a few years back on self defense. I never really thought there would come a day where these things would be useful. But there's always a first for everything.

I used my knee and shoved it right on his lower area. After he finally knelt down, I then grabbed the closets object to me- a lamp. And tossed it right on his back. I heard him hiss in pain, and this was my time. I dodged him and quickly made my way to the door. Hoping I would get enough time to unlock it.

My hands wouldn't stop trembling but I finally managed to open the door. I was still crying. The door closed shut again before my eyes, I turned around to face none other than Brandon.

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