66. "The devil wears louboutin"

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Chp66.  "The devil wears louboutin."

Dedicated to: @TrapGodDorsey for being simply amazing with the commenting.

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-                -                -"She got blood cold as ice;and a heart made of stone

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"She got blood cold as ice;
and a heart made of stone."
- Horns // Bryce Fox

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        There was nothing but pure pitch black surrounding me. For a second, I had thought I had my eyes completely shut closed. But I didn't. They were open and I was most definitely in a room with a big headache. This seems all too familiar. I recalled, remembering how long ago I was in this same position and how the outcome of that came to be. My stomach formed this terrible feeling deep within itself at the thought.

I was on the ground, I knew that. Strangely though, my hands were free of anything. Maybe, just maybe this was all a big misunderstanding and everything will be fine. Maybe Austin was already here. My hands are free. That has to count for something, right?

I got completely knocked out and I expect everything to be fine? Who am I kidding?

I groaned from the awful constant pain the back of my head was bringing me. Touching the spot before feeling something wet now all over my fingers, I knew it was blood. Startling me a bit, I felt as my breathing became unusual and started to pick up. Though I quite couldn't notice it at first, when the weird noise started to ring sharply into my ear, it didn't take a while for me to realize it was coming from my own self. I began to sob a bit more rather than every now and then, feeling as the salt from my tears traced my lips and ignited my taste buds.

I moved in complete darkness, backwards until I felt a wall hit my back. Curling my body into a ball, I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on top of them, sobbing into my pain and my fear.

The light flickered once, catching my attention until it fully turned on. It was the same yellow light from the building where I was supposed to wait for Austin and Lefty. Lefty. My mind threw that name into my face, almost like a slap and it stung. I quickly lifted my head up and backed myself up over to the wall again, as if there was any more room for that. I knew however, that I was still in the same building due to that mustard yellow light I've seen nowhere else but here.

The room was empty. It wasn't any of the previous ones I had wandered right into. I must be upstairs. I looked around in hopes for a window but there was none, except an old dirty door across from me. I thought of running towards it to check if it was unlocked and by a miracle, escape from this. I knew it wasn't though. But it was that one fifty-percent chance I'd be missing if I didn't go on and try.

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