22. "This isn't a time for games"

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Chp22. "This isn't a time for games"



"Get up." Austin took no time in stepping right away from me, leaving me completely startled. "Damon, I'll be down. Just give me a second."

Damon nodded his head understanding and quickly took Stella's hand and left from sight. I started panicking, I had no idea what the hell was gong on. Austin's face flushed from color and he looked completely pale. I probably looked even worse.

"Austin, what is going on?" I demanded.

He didn't respond. Taking my arm he harshly got me straight up and away from the bed. I stumbled as I was finally out. I was running out of breath and a feeling was telling me that something was just about to happen. But most likely, it wasn't going to be any good. Austin's grip from my arm was getting even tighter, indicating me that he was very impatient.

We rushed out of the room; Austin pulled me inside a closet that was right across. I looked at around and tried my best to catch myself.

"Stay here." He ordered me. His eyes looked devious, I couldn't explain it. It was sending chills through out my entire body.

I shook my head unsteadily. "What's going on?" I raised my voice. Austin's finger brought up to my lips right before he hushed me quietly.

"Don't speak."

"Austin..." I tried. His eyes got softer but as he looked away they went back to looking as mischievous as ever.

"They're here, okay? He's here." Austin whispered quietly.

"What?- Austin, what's going on? Who's here?"

"Fuck! You ask so many questions." He hissed. "- Riley and some others. They're here."

My mouth went complete dry and I was desperately in need of some water. I felt light headed, and I was almost sure my heart was about to pop right out of my chest. Riley was here. He was here for me. The air was closing in on me, and suddenly the big closet was getting smaller and smaller each time. I couldn't handle it any longer. I was going to lose it. Austin noticed my sudden situation. He ran a whole hand through his entire face frustrated. Placing both of his hands on my shoulders he looked me right in the eyes.

"Mia, focus on me." He said.

"I- I can't. I can't breathe." I let out.

"Just look at me, okay? Look at me." I did, I looked at him, his eyes specifically. "We don't have much time- I don't have much time. Just take deep breaths." I inhaled and exhaled. It was calming me down a little. But I was still feeling light headed.

"You were so close to having a panic attack."

"What?" I said breathlessly.

"A panic attack. I helped prevent it. Whenever you feel that way just focus on something and take deep breaths, It works. Okay?"


He nodded his head as he took his hands away from my shoulders. He licked his lips slightly, I noticed that I wasn't staring at his eyes any longer but his lips. Quickly I brought them down to my feet and stared.

"Riley is waiting for me downstairs. I have to go see him, but I want you to stay here. Don't move out of here. Don't talk, don't do anything. Just wait for me here. I will be back in no time. I want you to listen to me. Can you do that?"

I nodded my had in agreeing. "Yeah. I can."

"I'll be right back."

And then there I was. Left alone. I was really hoping this wasn't going to be the last time I was going to breath. I brought myself down and leaned back against the wall. There wasn't much stuff in this closet. It was all dark since Austin turned off the lights, thinking it would be better. I was still trying to control my breathing, it was becoming such a challenge. I couldn't help but think of all the things that would happen from here. I wasn't ready yet.

Bringing my knees to my chest, I brought my head right along and buried myself. I felt so alone and helpless and I didn't like it one bit. I was just a waste of space now.




Austin's Point Of View

I closed the door behind me and left Mia there by herself. I was taken back when she was starting a panic attack. Luckily for me, I knew exactly what to do. After my dad had died I had many panic attacks frequently. It was becoming a struggle for me to control them. Though, I finally knew just how. To concentrate, focus on the details of the thing you are concentrating on and just take in deep breaths. I had told her to just look at me and focus. She did.

I made my way down the stairs, straightening my back I was ready for the shit Riley was about to give me. I wasn't scared of him, I wasn't scared of anything most importantly anyone. I've been trough hell and back to know exactly how to keep my ground. Shit couldn't face me any longer.

But I knew Riley. I knew Riley way too much to know that he knew right away when he was being lied to. But here is where I come in. I talk my way out of everything, I can make you believe things that aren't true. Although, in some cases that isn't the right thing to do, still this was what I was good and I I will be damned if I never used it to my advantage.

As I walked in the living room, Damon and Stella were already there. I turned my head to face Riley, and lastly of course his little weak crew he always brought with him. His weak workers who couldn't do shit. Because god knows if they did ever do their job right Mia and I wouldn't be exactly where we are now. We'd be in worse.

"Austin." Riley's voice came right away.

Here we go.

"Riley." I replied back bluntly.

"I missed ya." He grinned, a fake grin to be honest.

"Sure you did, Riley."

"Oh but I did." He leaned away from the wall he was currently on and made his way around the couch. "It's not everyday that my most trust worthy friend leaves, ya know?"

"- besides, you didn't finish the dirty work I assigned you."

"I did."

"Oh quit bullshitting me, Austin. I know you. I know exactly how you think and act- because at some point I was you." Riley spat.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled darkly. "Well maybe, you just don't know me anymore." I shrugged.

"I suppose you could be right. But then again, I know everything. And I'm always right." He sighed and took a seat as he took out a cigarette from his pocket. Well I guess you aren't always right. He looked at me sternly. "Where is she?"

This was it. My way to get out of here, it wasn't going to be easy since it was Riley here. But I always liked a challange, and I always won them. I didn't hesitate to walk towards Riley and take a seat across from him and beside Damon.

"I will admit it. I didn't want to do what you ordered me to. I was hesitant." I said. Quickly I noticed how Riley was paying attention to me. I smiled to myself. This is going exactly where I wanted it to go. "But- Riley, you've been there for me, always has always will be."

He nodded his head, reaching towards his other pocket to take out a lighter. "Glad you fucking appreciate it Austin."

I ignored his ignorant comment and continued on to make my point. "And I realized... I couldn't disown you. So I was going to finish what I was told to do." I passed and brought my hands together. "But, she got away."

Right on cue, Riley stood right up angrily. "What the hell do you mean she got away?" His eyes were fuming furiously.

"Exactly what I just said." Calmly I answered.

"This isn't a time for games." He said through the cigarette between his lips.

"I brought her to the warehouse, pulled out the damn gun. And when I realized it needed to be reloaded, she took a run for it. She was gone."

"Just like that? Austin-" he couldn't finish his sentence. He didn't have any words left. Everything was going according to my plan. I turned to see Damon, he was literally shaking in his seat. What a fucking pussy. As for Stella, she sat straight up and just looked right at Riley. I only looked at her in disgust, I will never see her the same as I once did.

After a long pause I retuned to finish what I was going on about. "I tried looking for her but there was no use, she had disappeared." I ended my little story.

Riley calmed himself down and lit up the cigarette on his lips. Finally, he spoke. "Do you honestly think I'm going to believe all of this?" He blew a puff of smoke out.

"I didn't ask you to believe it. It's your choice if you do or not, but it's the truth. You know it and I know it." I clenched my jaw tightly and stood up from the couch. "Either way, she won't make it far. You know where the warehouse is and just how dangerous it can be around there. It's in the middle of nowhere."

"- if I'm right she will either be lost and never find her way, or we'll get lucky and one of those other dealers will just finish the job for us." Riley only looked at me. He was reasoning. I prevented myself from smiling because if I had done just that, the cover would be blown. I wasn't going to fuck this up.

"You got a point." Riley said blowing another load of smoke out. "We all know how fucking crazy those others are out there." He said more to himself then to me.

I didn't say a nothing nor did anyone else in the room. It had gotten quiet for a little while until Riley finally spoke again. "So when are you coming back then? Why haven't you contacted any of us?" They weren't questions, they were more of a demand for answers.

"Last time I checked Riley, it is my life and I can do what ever the fuck I please to do." I spat letting him know I was getting annoyed. "I had other shit to take care of. People to get back at. I won't be following your ass like a lost puppy as you make the others do. I do what I want."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Watch how you talk with me Austin. I still have respect for you. Now don't make me lose it."

When he realized I wasn't going to say anything more he motioned his men. They all walked out of the house. Riley nodded at both Stella and Damon and made him way to the door. Before he was finally out, he turned his head slightly around. "Oh and Austin- if I find out you are fucking me over..." He paused for dramatic effect. "I will make sure you are fully out of my way." With that, he turned back around and walked out the door, leaving only the smell of smoke behind.

When he was finally out of here, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in for so long. I was more than glad this whole shit was finally starting to blow over. Hopefully it really was, I was starting to make myself believe that. But now I had things to work on. Until I had another plan figured out, I was left with a broken girl to deal with. I've been like her- still probably am. I'm not exactly sure. I was once. For years and years, and I never got fixed- I was sure I was never going to be fixed. I didn't care, that shit couldn't phase me anymore. I couldn't help to think though, if I wasn't able to even to help myself- better yet, can't even help her. It was going to be impossible.




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