31. "I am just getting started"

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Chp31. "I am just getting started"


Read Authors Note (A/N) at the end for a HUGE surprise!! You guys are gonna love it!



"One day someone is going to hug you so tight, that all your broken pieces will stick back together"

- Austin's Point Of View -

"Fuck!" I shouted loudly slamming the breaks as we came to a stop at a red light. My hands tightened around the steering wheel, I clenched my jaw tightly I took a deep breath in.

"Just calm down, Austin." Cora's voice filled my ears causing me only to get angrier at the time. No one fucking tells me to calm down, I do what ever the hell I want.

Cora and I were currently in my range rover on our way to god knows where. Right after my phone call with Cora she took no time in rushing over to meet me. I was beyond glad she didn't take her time, especially now that this shit is more than serious. I was going crazy, I didn't know what to even do with myself, and Cora telling me to calm down wasn't helping out. Not that anything in general was helping out anywas. But ordering me to do things I don't want to- can't do isn't the key.

"I can't just fucking calm down." I said mocking her, exactly the same way her words had come out.

How does she even expect me to calm down when the girl I'm supposed to be looking out for is missing; and I have no absolute clue to where she is. I didn't know where Mia was, I didn't even know how she left the house; but something was telling me some possible ways to where she possibly could be. Before anything I had thought she ran away. But she isn't that stupid to just leave when she knows how dangerous it is out there, and also mentioning she has no clue whatsoever of where she is. Not even a single clue to where to go if that was the case.

I was just so angry right now, and mostly I was angry with myself. I had one damn job; to keep her safe and I failed at that. There was no surprise there.

Cora's body twisted towards my direction, making an awful load of noise in the process. "Don't you dare start this shit with me." She spoke along with her usual bitchy attitude she always gave when she wanted things her way.

"I'm not starting anything." I hissed. "And if you keep giving me that little attitude of yours, you'll see what's to happen." When the light quickly switched colors to green, I took no time in speeding my way out.

I took a glance at Cora as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms against her chest. "Your threats are certainly not needed. And don't forget that you were the one who called me for help." She retorted.

"Don't make me regret it." I mumbled under my breath. The blood inside me was boiling to the max. There was no way of controlling it. No way of controlling how my emotions were running all inside of me.

Cora though, still being the stubborn girl that she is, didn't just leave it at that. "You need me either way." She said sucking her teeth and holding her head up high.

This was one of the things I despised about Cora. No matter when or where, she wouldn't just keep her mouth shut and let it go. She always had to talk back, always had some sort of comeback rolling out of her mouth. But the only reason I needed her here with me was only because she knew her way around here better than I did, considering she once lived by here. Other than that, she wouldn't even be inside this car sitting right beside me. I'd make sure of that.

I kept my mouth shut not bothering to start this pointless mess with her. Right now wasn't the time. I had one thing on my mind and one thing only; get Mia and get the hell out of here. I was really hoping Riley didn't have anything to do with all of this- but deeply I knew it was obvious. Too obvious for that matter.

"Do you even know where we're going?" Cora questioned me.

With one hand on the wheel I ran a hand through my entire face frustrated with the other one. "I think I may know where she could be." I replied back softly.

"And where's that?"

"There's an old vacant house about three miles from here. That's the only possible place where we can look. But I'm pretty sure-"

"Austin right there!" Cora interrupted me with her sudden outburst. I followed my eyes to where her finger was pointing; to the side of the road. It looked to be a body trying to walk along the side. Furrowing my eyebrows together I took more glances looking deeper to see who the person was, as well as trying to keep my eyes on the road. I didn't want this to cause me some sort of accident, I needed to keep my focus. When my eyes where finally able to adjust to the body, I took a closer look. It seemed to be a female, you could see she was bleeding from her arm, right through her clothes. Though I wasn't too shock to see that it was Mia. I knew some shit like this was bound to happen. It would have been a surprise if it didn't.

Changing lanes I quickly made an illegal turn to the other side of the road. I didn't care what was legal and illegal at this point, I never did and I don't think I ever will. And especially now. As I made the car come to a stop right beside Mia, her eyes didn't even bother to notice. She was still looking into the far distance ahead of her.

"Mia!" Cora shouted rolling down her window. Saving us some time, I opened the door and stepped out of the range rover. Making my way to the side where Mia was. I placed my eyes on her and right away I noticed how damaged she looked. It made me realize something; She wasn't made for this type of lifestyle, it wasn't what girls like her were used to.

Her eyes were a vibrant color of red notifying me that she was crying. As her brown eyes met mine I shot her an apologetic look, towards every little thing- because it was all my fault. Coming closer to her frigid body, her arm was bleeding and it was coming through the hoodie
completely staining it.

I was hesitant to look to see what was causing the bleeding at first. I didn't want to look at it, I knew this was all my fault. I should've had my guards up all this time, not letting her out of my sight. After having a few second of debating with myself I gave in. Having the courage, I grabbed Mia's arm and slowly pulled the now stained hoodie that was covering the possible injury away. And there it was, everything I was hoping not to see was right now visible to my naked eyes.

I didn't know what to do anymore, I was just plain lost and clueless. Her arm was injured to what seemed someone had ran some sort of sharp object across her entire arm deeply, causing an awful amount of bleeding. I looked into her deep brown eyes again before sighing to myself. She was my responsibility and I fucked up. I always fuck up.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I cursed myself and my stupid actions. Grabbing Mia's frigid body I pulled her into my arms and held her tight. This wasn't going to be the last time something like this would happen, I knew it damn well. After having some time of just holding her into my chest, I then slowly started parting from her. I took her by the hand and made our way back to the car. Opening the door I lead Mia inside and buckled the seatbelt for her. She looked so little and helpless, I tried my best not to look at her but it was no use. Without thinking I ripped a small part of my t-shirt and slowly wrapped the now rag, to Mia's arm. This hopefully will help stop the bleeding just a bit. She never looked at me through the process, and I was kind of glad she didn't.


"Mia, what happened?" Cora spoke as I took my seat again. My body went completely still as I only kept my eyes to what was in front of me. The cars continued to pass us, making everything feel so lonely and weird. The deep breathes I was trying to take in didn't seem to help at all. Nothing was helping me, it only made things worse.

I kept my eyes on the mirror, only to notice how much sorrow was held in Mia's eyes. She was trying to hide her emotions but they were out there for display. I was able to read her too easily. "I tried-" she spoke with a shaken voice.

There was a long pause and I knew right away she wasn't ready to discuss this. "It's okay. You don't have to talk now." I spoke up getting both Mia's and Cora's attention.

"No-" the sound of Mia's voice enlightened the car, making my body so weak and numb. "It's okay." She assured us.

Hesitant at first Mia took a deep breath before she was ready to tell us exactly what had gone down earlier tonight. Something I didn't want to hear just yet. Or maybe even at all. I just wasn't so ready for this. I just wanted to close my eyes and when I opened them everything will go away, like a dream. Only this wasn't like a dream, it was more like a nightmare. A nightmare that I had caused. Mia's eyes slowly faded down to her lap as she played with her fingers uncontrollably.

"I- I can't remember much." She spoke up, I continued to look at her small figure sitting down, trough the mirror. She looked so lifeless and it was killing me.

"I ended up waking up somewhere different..." She paused bringing her eyes up to the distance ahead of us. "I was in a room- I can't really remember but I was put to sleep again somehow- and when I woke up he... he took a sharp piece of glass-"

I didn't want to hear it. I wasn't ready for this. I knew that if I had just kept an eye on her instead of just dozing off none of this would have happened. Mia was having a hard time talking. But I just wanted her to shut up. I didn't want to hear anything because every little thing that came out of her mouth only brought guilt towards me. And guilt wasn't something I could just be okay with. It was like a threat to eat me alive, and so far it was working.

Mia once again gathered herself before speaking. "I was able to get out, I didn't know how but I did it." Her eyes scattered around before she placed them into the mirror where both our eyes met unexpectedly. Almost immediately I looked away breaking the eye contact that was holding between us. I couldn't look at her. And I wasn't going to.

But still somehow she managed to proceed on. As she spoke I could hear everything clearly but only with nothing but a broken voice. "I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get out of there..."

I didn't know how she could do it, just talk on like it was nothing. Her face held no expression at all. It was plain blank. As if she didn't care if she had to tell the story more than once. Which in fact surprised, especially since it was her and I had become used to her actions and emotions. And this was nothing like the Mia I had known for almost two months. There was nothing there, nothing to show. So empty and emotionless. Something like me, and I knew too well she was nothing like me.

Mia was rambling on, but I wasn't listening. I couldn't bring myself to focus on anything when she was the the only one hurt here and it was all because of me. By time, as she continued I started to get a little heated. My breathing was starting to speed up and I just felt like punching the cars' door and I was so close to doing just that as well. It wasn't easy for me to keep myself calm. It was something that I wasn't good at. One simple thing was able to piss me completely off, only this time it wasn't just a simple little thing; it was way more. I've been told by many that I have anger issues but I see that as complete bullshit. It wasn't no damn thing as anger issues; everything always found a way to ruin me. There's no possible way how one can just get mad at anything, there had to be something to cause it. Therefore all of that is bullshit. But just listening to her talk about this, sent something through me. I needed to know who the hell did this to Mia. Because I wasn't surely going to sit and let this go by, I was going to finish what someone had started. And if in fact Riley is involved, that's the least of my worries. The shit I got planned is over the top.

"Who did this to you?" I demanded straight up, interrupting Mia. I did not care to wether she was finish talking or not. My hands were already into fists ready to cause some real damage.

"I don't know." Mia spoke. I turned to face Cora wanting to see what her reaction was to Mia's recent lie. But I only saw as she stayed quiet listening along. I had a feeling Mia didn't want to tell me exactly who this person was. But I wasn't in the mood to play this guessing game. I wasn't in a mood for anything. I was ready to fix the problem myself. I really didn't get girls like her, never wanting to just be honest with someone.

Growing impatient I tried again to keep my cool. It was challenging but needed to be done. The last thing I wanted was to cause yet another scene with Mia. Right now, me yelling and starting an argument will only make things worse. Probably not as bad as things are now but mostly close to it. I didn't like games unless it was my game to play. And I always made sure I won, because when it's my game; I make the rules and there's no one to stop me. Everything is up to me, just how I like things to be.

"I'm going to ask you again and I want a real answer this time." I ordered only getting angrier to why she wasn't just telling me.

I'm only trying to help her and here she is bullshitting me. Posturing myself, I clenched my jaw tightly in order to keep myself from lashing out and letting these two see a side of me that wasn't ready to come out. But still Mia kept her gaze down with no words coming out of her mouth.

"Who. Did. This. To. You?" Every word that I released was followed by a pause. I didn't like wasting time so either she was going to tell me or I'll make her tell me, not mattering the circumstances. I didn't feel the need to start dealing with shit like this right now, I needed an answer and I needed it quick. I liked things differently. It was either my way, or no way. And right now I wanted it my way.

Turning my body to Mia, I make sure I'm visible to her. After trying to avoid eye contact with her, she brought her gaze up to me- our eyes connected. This time though she did have an expression written all across her face. And it basically gave everything away. The car fell silent for what seemed to go on forever. Why does she always have to play these fucking mind games with me? I'm getting so fed up with it.

Mia's eye contact with me didn't last long. Soon enough she brought her eyes down to her lap. And the name that came out of her mouth wasn't a name that I was expecting, but it surely wasn't much of a surprise. "Damon." She whispered softly.

At this point there was so much inside of me that needed to be realesed. It wasn't easy, nothing was easy when it came to me and my life. Everything always got fucked. Nothing ever went right, in fact it only got worse. And this little shit right here just proved me right once again.

I should've had just taken care of all of this when Riley told me to. Maybe he was right.

Or maybe I should have just stayed out of this mess when I had the chance all together.

It's not like it matters now anyways. I can't stop it. I just can't stop the danger and problems that I caused or will continue to cause. I was born to only fail, and I was doing such a great job at that.

I didn't know what the hell I was doing. But I knew what had to be done. I should've known Damon was behind this. It all makes too much sense, playing the nice guy. How couldn't I see this coming when this was an act I knew and played far too well. He's working for Riley, or at least planning to. That had to be it, he was the little snake in all of this. And for a second I thought I was able to trust this son of a bitch. I'm not surprised if Stella is a part of this too, they are related- god knows what they plan. Distracting me with her lying bullshit and making me forget to check up on Mia, there was only one thing on my mind and that it was being planned out.

"Austin!" I heard Cora yelled to the right of my ear. "What the hell are you doing? Stop!" She yelled again.

I didn't stop. I didn't want to stop.

There was no reason to why not stop. There was nothing holding me back. The anger was controlling me, and that side was taking over me again- I couldn't help it. My blood was running wild through my entire body. And the only thing I was able to imagine was shoving Damon's head against the wall until I'm satisfied.

It felt good I must say, passing the cars like there's no care in the world. I dodged every car in my way, only making the cars honk in my direction. I honestly couldn't give a fuck. I was too angry and numb to care or feel anything in this state. My hand tightened on the steering wheel making my knuckles turn white. I tried to keep my eyes on the road but Cora yelling right beside me wasn't letting me do that. Once in a while I would glance at Mia through my mirror, noticing how frightened she looked. But honestly nothing was going to stop me; he had this coming for such a long time.

I am going to make him pay if it's the last thing I do.

"Austin, stop!!" Her yelling continued until I finally did.

I pulled to the side of the road and finally cut the engine completely. I sat there just waiting and gathering my mind. This was it... It was time. This whole situation made me realize a couple of things, things I need to take action of. This was no joke. I came to a conclusion, to a decision. I inhaled and exhaled gently trying to calm myself down a bit. I was glad both Mia and Cora weren't talking right now, I just needed peace and quiet to gather myself out. But I couldn't possibly do that when images of Damon touching Mia started to form in my head.

No one but me can touch her.

After finally having a few minutes of silence I grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open placing my body out. Only a few cars passed by us, not making much noise; it was a lonely rode. I made my way around to Mia and opened the door to her side of the vehicle.

"C'mere" I motioned with my hand for get to get out, and she did. I helped her until she finally was completely outside. Gently I closed the door to the range rover, getting my head sort out. I slowly took a hold of Mia's hand and made sure to intertwine my fingers with hers. It was a habit, and as people say- old habits die hard.

Making sure to keep her right by my side I lead the way to the side of the road and a little far away from the vehicle as well. I took a look back to Cora, she just sat there inside and watched- she knew what I was doing, what was about to happen. Placing my eyes right back at Mia she tried her best to avoid eye contact with me, but soon that ended once I started to talk.

"Are you okay?" I questioned wether to find out if she truly was, because right now it didn't seem like it.

She nodded in response, "I'm fine."

I could tell she was lying. She wasn't fine. She is anything but fine. Why the hell did she always have to lie to me about her damn emotions? All I want to do is help. That's it. I really don't appreciate people lying to me. It's not something I like, I've had enough of that with Stella and I don't need any more.

I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from cursing. "Are you sure?" I ask again hoping maybe this time she will actually tell me how she really feels.

"I'm fine."

We both just stood there waiting for something to happen awkwardly. But I was too busy trying to figure her out. She was trying so hard to keep her ground but soon enough she will be tumbling down. That's always how it goes. I took Mia's arm and placed my eyes on her, waiting; meaning if it's okay for me to take another look at her arm. She doesn't hesitate nor does she pull away, but she stares back. I take this as my to go sign. Removing the sleeve from the hoodie I take in a closet look. Right away I start to notice how the rag is really helping her out.

"Does it hurt?"

"Only a little." She shows me that smile of hers, only this time it shows very weak.

I couldn't even think straight, so many things were going on. But I know what she's in need of. Slowly I step in closer to her and pull her in and just take her into my arms. That's what she needs right now, she needs for someone to hug her and tell her everything is going to be okay. And maybe, just maybe everything will turn our alright. I know how much I wanted someone to tell me everything was going to be okay when I needed it the most. But no one was there, that's why I want to be here for her and let her know that. Mia's arms slowly come around my neck as she slowly leans her head against my chest, resting it there.

After holding her tight, she breaks away first. The wind continues to blow as the few cars pass by. Standing in the grass beside the road, the only thing surrounding us is a Forrest. It was still a little dark out but in a few the sun will rise. Her big brown eyes continue to look at me. I come in a little closer to her, she doesn't object so I take a couple more steps until we are both taking up each other's personal space. Just the way I like it.

"I'm going to make him pay..." I say as I bring my hand to her face and just hold it in place. "I promise." With my thumb I gently rub her soft cheek. Mia stares back, I can tell she's trying to figure me out. But she doesn't need to do that, when half of her already has.

The next few seconds happened far too quickly. I took no absolute time in crashing my lips onto Mia's. And instantly she kissed me back, I would be lying if I said she didn't get any better. Because sure enough this girl was starting to get a clue of what she was doing. Leading the kiss I slowly licked the bottom of her lip, asking her for entrance. And right away she gave it to me. I suddenly then realized Stella's was nothing compared to this right here. This was better, so much better. A small soft moan escaped from Mia and I in return, aggressively groaned back.

I hated myself. Everything happening to her was mostly do to me. And now I'm only going to hurt her more, that's why this the best decision I have to make. And if I continue this- whatever this is. I will only hurt her even more.

I don't want to lead her on, I know nothing will happen or ever happen between us- she's not what I go for and same goes for her with me. We don't fit, we just don't and we won't ever. But I still care about her- a lot. I don't know why, but things change I guess. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. I didn't want to lead her on, I had a tendency to do that a lot. I had a thing for doing that to most girls, to every girl. But she wasn't just every girl. And I didn't want to so this to her, she was different. She proved me wrong about her. And not many can prove me wrong.

Parting my lips from hers, I take a chance to catch my breath. I just stay there and and stare at her. Even though she's hurt and damaged, she still manages to look quite beatiful. She's like a painting.

And I want to paint that painting nonstop.

"Mia..." I start off.

It's for the best. She won't be in the problems you will cause her anymore. It's for the best.

"Hmm?" She hums out faintly, looking deeply into me.

You're only making this harder for me.

"You're going to go home." I let out, making my final decision. "I'm letting you go home."




"Here" I say to Cora handing her my phone. "Call Logan to pick you two up. Take Mia to the hospital to get her arm checked out, then you can take her home."

Cora nods her head in agreement. "Okay" she says.

I looked at her and gave her a single nod. Looking over to Mia she still refuses to look at me, she's been going at it for a long while now. Isn't this what she wanted all this long? Well she finally got it, she's going to go back home and away from all of this. She should be happy.

You're keeping her safe, that's all that matters.

I didn't bother to dismiss myself from Cora or Mia since I was pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten a reply back. Running back to my ranger rover I got in the drives seat again, I turned the engine on, making everything come back to life. Slowly sighing to myself, I licked my lips before pulling away and starting to make my way. Mia and Cora's body became smaller and smaller until they both disappeared completely from my view.

It was a decision that I had to make myself. There was no way in hell I was going to keep Mia here with me and expose her to more danger then she's already in.

I know I'm doing the right thing.

The sun slowly started to rise right ahead of me, leaving the darkness behind. I continued to drive on ready for what's coming next. I knew what I was capable of. I knew how to handle things. I was the best in the business, I will always be the best. So if anyone thinks they can out do me, they need to double check. If Damon really thinks he's going to get away with this, he's got another thing coming. Because surely enough, I am just getting started.






How was it? Did you hate it, did you love it? Idk let me know.

Okay so first of all, guys Austin's new single "Banga Banga" is now
on iTunes so make sure you go get it! It's so amazing, I'm telling you.

Second, after voting nonstop on twitter- Austin WON!! He won for "best push" and "artist on the rise". That voting was so worth it, just to see his smile.

Third, okay so Austin rted me on Friday on twitter and I was crying so much, ajakalkdkdkakaka ok ok let me stop. I CANT

And fourth the surprise...



Oh my god, it is seriously so perfect I cry every time I watch it I just oh my god, guys you need to watch it. You're gonna cry and fangirl omfg we can fangirl together.

Of course, knowing how untalented I am. I did NOT make the trailer (I wish I did tbh) but I didn't.

@HeyItsAustinM_ on twitter who role-plays Austin from this fanfic made the trailer.

So let's have a moment of silent for how perfect it is.

I will tag the video to this chapter, you can find it next to the section where you can find it- if you're on your phone. But if you're on a computer it won't be hard to miss.

If you can't find it all together tweet me ( @AustyLicious ) and I'll give you the link to the Deathly Kisses trailer.

That is all, and thank you guys for giving my story a chance, I will not disappoint you. Until next chapter :)


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