15. "You'll be bad news too"

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Chp15. "You'll be bad news too"



I had woken up right on time. It was now sunrise and the rays of the sun hit my face perfectly. I've always loved watching the sunrise, those beautiful colors all combined together to create art was just magical for me. I sat up on my seat and let me just tell you that sleeping in a car is definitely not comfortable.

We were still on the road but there was actual civilization here unlike how it was before with just endless roads and roads. Austin made a left turn on a light that led us to a motel, of course it looked crappy. What kind of motel actually looks nice? None, I tell you.

"You awake?"

"Yeah" I answered bluntly. I ran a hand through my dull of a brown messy hair to make it presentable at least. I didn't want to go around looking like medusa.

"You're cute when you snore" Austin said with a weak grin on his lips.

"I do not snore!" I argued ignoring the fact that he called me cute. He called me cute.

"Keep telling yourself that and you might actually believe it"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully

"I'm just messing with you" Austin chuckled "you didn't snore"

Good because if I actually had been snoring not only would that have been embarrassing but such a turn off as well. As Austin was trying to find a parking spot to park I noticed how low his eyes were and the dark bags right below them. He was exhausted and his entire appearance showed it. His face didn't have the usual golden tan color it always had to match his skin tone; instead the color was all drained out leaving him looking all pale.

"Did you sleep?"

Stupid question. Of course he didn't, he was driving all night. Why am such an idiot sometimes? I always have to talk before I think.

"Yeah, I slept while driving" he responded in such a sarcastic tone

I didn't reply because I would just find another way to make myself seem way more stupid than I already made myself look. Instead Austin finally found a parking spot and we both got out of the black Ferrari, walking into the building.

Once we both stepped inside a strong smell quickly entered my nose. It was strong but it didn't smell bad nor good either I shall say. It was some type of smell you couldn't really recognize or explain but would soon just get used to.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" An old lady whom was really skinny and had all white hair caught my attention. She was wearing a load of makeup where you could possibly notice it from a mile away. And I'm not even trying to exaggerate.

"Ugh yeah, we want a room please" Austin said to the old lady. Her name tag said Linda.

She looked at Austin with her blue eyes and stared at him for only a moment before giving him a big smile "Sure sweetheart" she nodded her head slowly

"Just one night, right? You with this young lady here tells me it's going to be only a night, am I right?" She continued to smile.

Excuse me?

Something tells me this lady thinks Austin and I are about to have a one night stand or some sort of thing. I have much more respect for myself than that.

A one night stand?


With Austin?

Next joke please

Besides, I don't plan on losing my virginty at a motel any time soon. What is this lady thinking?

Austin of course doesn't even see what she was trying to say because he only replied with a yes. The lady digs through her desk as she finds a key with the room number 289 and hands the key to Austin with a smile is that is very creepy in so many different levels.

"Don't have too much fun" she waved us off.

Even though what she said was completely out of the picture I couldn't help but blush like an idiot as Austin looked at me awkwardly when she said that. I guess he really did know what she was trying to inform this whole time. Which only made me blush even harder.

After taking the stairs to the second floor we reached room number 289. Austin took the key the lady, Linda handed to him right from his back pocket and quickly unlocked the door. The room wasn't that great but it will have to do. It was plain and simple- a bed, a window, a medium size television, a bathroom, a- wait a minute... A bed? Just a bed? As in one bed only? You've got to be kidding. And this is how situations turn awkward in a matter of seconds.

"I'm going to shower" Austin said setting some bags down on the bed and made his way over to the bathroom- which I'm guessing is probably really dirty. People really don't care about cleaning things at motels. That's why they're so filthy ninety percent of the time. Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach, realizing how many germs are all hiding here.

I still wondered why we were here and why Austin had brought so many bags with us.

I released a small sigh I didn't know I was holding in and closed my eyes for a bit. I tried working the television but there was absolutely no way this thing was going to work. Finally I landed to the only channel that worked which in fact was Cartoon Network.

The room was old and dusty, it made me feel very uncomfortable in a way. After watching Adventure Time for almost twenty minutes, Austin still hadn't come out of his shower. I was starting to think he fell asleep in there or something bad had happened. I didn't stress too much about it. I'm sure he's fine.

There was a small knock on the door that had brought my attention. I quickly sat up and ran a hand through my clothes as I made my way to open the copper red door.

"Can I come in?" It was a guy with black hair that laid perfectly on top of his head and piercing blue eyes.

That's a great way to greet someone, especially someone you don't even know. 'Hey, yeah can I come in and kidnap you maybe?'

Of course it wouldn't make a difference since I'm already in the middle of that but still, he's beyond crazy if he actually thinks I'm going to let him in just like that. Although, he is pretty damn attractive.

"Let him in" a deep voice interfered that came from the back of the room- Austin.

The guy didn't even wait for me to allow him in because he had already made his way inside right away when he saw Austin.

"Haven't seen you in forever man" the attractive guy said to Austin. And then they did this sort of thing with their hands that you see guys usually do. It was kinda like a handshake but in a much cooler way.

"Yeah I know. Logan, listen I'm sorry for being all last minute but everything just sort of happened and-"

"Say no more, Austin. We are like brothers. You know I got your back" the guy said giving Austin a small pat on his back.

Austin nodded agreeing along with him. The room fell silent for a small moment but the the guy looked behind him over to me and smiled.

"Is this the girl?" He turned his head back around to ask Austin. He nodded a yes.

"I don't believe I have introduced myself propery- how rude of me. I'm Logan" he stuck his hand out and I shook it. His hand was warm unlike Austin's.

"I'm M-"

"Mia, I know. Austin told me already" he walked towards the window and opened it and as soon as he did all these dust particles flew in the air making me cough slightly. These stupid allergies.

"-but what he didn't mention was... How pretty you are." Logan finished with a flirty smile.

I couldn't help but blush completely. Taking compliments is one thing I didn't do too well. My face will turn bright red like a tomato and I'll be too tongue tied to say a 'thank you' back.

Austin only rolled his eyes and opened one of the bags that were in the bed laying there. He took out a black envelope and handed it to Logan- whom only nodded once as he took the envelope from Austin. He then put it inside his black jacket and zipped it back to close.

"Why the hell will you choose to stay in this dump? You got a fucking money for a hotel" Logan scoffed

"Fuck off. I was way too tired to find the nearest hotel. This was the closest thing and I'm running on two hours of sleep here, give me a fucking break" Austin hissed becoming heated

I decided to take a seat on the bed since both Logan and Austin argued back and forth. I didn't know how long it would take so I had to be at least comfortable. They continued to babble on as I just watched them. I felt like I was taking up space. Even though Austin and this Logan guy were arguing I couldn't help but notice how close they seemed to be. I still continued to wonder why Austin had called him over here but I guess I won't know until later on and that's only if Austin even wants to tell me.

Unlike Austin, Logan didn't have any tattoos on his body. Even though Austin didn't really have much only a sleeve completed and a tattoo on his back- which I noticed the day he decided to sleep in the same room as me and take off his shirt. And I didn't even get to see exactly what it was, Austin was more of a trouble maker- bad ass type than Logan was. Logan seemed like a good guy. If you were to see him somewhere out in public you would think he's your average attractive boy from school but since he socializes with Austin you know he's nothing but bad news just like him. They were almost like brothers.


"Hello?! You there?" Logan chuckled waving a hand in front of me. I had realized they probably stopped raging and I probably looked like an idiot daydreaming.

"Oh, I'm sorry what?" I asked once he caught my attention.

He only laughed once again and shook his head slightly "Nevermind"

I gave him a confused look at what he was trying to tell me before.

"Now I see why you're always frustrated" he murmured to Austin.

Is that an insult?

"It's time for me to go, I'll see you tonight, right?"

"Yeah. Tonight" Austin replied

I couldn't help but wonder what they were both talking about. I always seemed to question everything around Austin. There wasn't ever anything that I would just have to do, I lived in a world surrounded with questions everywhere.

Austin walked Logan to the door and led him out.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you that he was coming over"

"It's fine"

"He won't do any harm" Austin assured me


"Just as long as I'm here, he won't. I'll make sure of that"

I rolled my eyes "You act as if I was scared of him. He doesn't look dangerous at all"

Austin took a look at me and scoffed "It pretty much looked like you were fucking terrified of him" he scratched the back of his neck "Babe, anyone that's involve with me is bad news."

He smirked and came a little closer to me causing me to get a little jumpy.

"You'll be bad news too" he took a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear leaving goosebumps all over my body "Soon enough, you will"

I ignored his remark of me becoming like him. That will never happen "Well I wasn't terrified of him" I folded my arms across my chest.

But I am terrified of you, I thought

"You look terrified all the time no matter what we do" he argued back

I shot him the meanest death glare I could had ever made "Well of course I do!" I shouted throwing my hands up in the air. "Do you expect me not to? I mean I never know exactly where we are going, what we are doing, and of course I am fucking terrified when I don't know what's going to happen to me."

"Nothing is going to happen to you!" He growled back lowly

I laughed sarcastically "Don't say even say that when you know exactly in what position I'm in. I am fucking abducted for crying out loud!"

"- I don't know if I am ever going to even leave, I don't know what's going to happen, heck I could possibly even die later today or tomorrow. Don't you know that? I don't fucking know anything and that's why I'm so terrified.... I don't even know why the hell we're here" I said last with my voice almost cracking but I managed to keep it calm. What a relief.

"Great speech" he clapped in a sarcastic way "But like I said, nothing bad will happen."

"Not yet anyways" he said it more to himself but I was able to hear. What a great to make me feel less scared and more calm... what a great way.

"Why are we here anyways? I do deserve to know..." I questioned "If this involves Ri-"

"No, it doesn't involve Riley just forget about him. He doesn't have to do anything with this anymore"

I was more than confused by now. What did he exactly mean? Riley as far as I knew, was the one in charge of all of this and now he's not?

"Wait but-"

"He's done for. And you'll know soon what's going on. Eventually you'll have to know" were his last words.

I still didn't know what Austin was trying to say. But I suppose I will find out later on exactly what's going on. Basically the only thing that's been on my mind lately is getting the fuck out of here and reuniting back with mom and dad. Just thinking about them both hurts me so much. But I can't be weak, no. Not on a time like this, in situations like these is were I'm supposed to be the strongest. Just gotta keep my head up high, fight on and soon this will all be over. In a matter of time things will go back to normal again and seriously I was drooling over those days to come.

"Take a shower, get ready and do what you girls do. I packed some clothes in that orange bag. We are leaving soon"

I didn't hesitate to ask him this time "What do you mean Austin? Where are we going?"

"To a party" he simply replied


"Did I stutter?" He hissed angry. Austin really is bipolar either that or he has really bad anger issues. I'm going to go with both

"Now go get ready because after we leave, we're not coming back" he said in a hushed tone and looked me dead in the eyes.

"And remember what I told you, you'll end up being bad news just like me because who ever ends up being around me- they change. And not for the better"



Hope you enjoyed!

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