25. "Little miss perfect"

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Chp25. "Little miss perfect"



What?" I croaked out completely stunned.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Austin asked with annoyance in his voice. "I said to call your mom."

This was it. To tell you the truth I was absolutely as surprised as ever. Never in a million years would I have thought. that Austin would just suddenly tell me to call home. But efficient enough, I was sure happy. I didn't really know what this exactly was supposed to mean, but anything close to home I would take. But besides everything I was strongly hoping it was my key to going home.

"Are you serious?" I said as I felt my face lit up entirely. And just like that, I had forgotten that little scene Austin had caused. All my mind was focusing on was wether he was being serious or not.

Austin sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes like a little kid. He then again moved his phone closer to me. "Are you gonna take it, or not?" With no hesitation I extended my full arm in reach for Austin's phone, finally taking it in my own hands. I was exceedingly thrilled to say the least.

"Just call your mom, catch up with her. But do not give any information out about anything. Keep your mouth shut." He said. "Don't tell her where we are, what's going on, don't say anything at all."

There was a lot of instructions to follow, I came to a conclusion this was just a call to talk to mom and nothing more. But I will take the little that I was given. I slowly nodded agreeing with Austin's orders. Taking the phone from Austin, my heart dropped. I was finally going to listen to her voice. I wanted to know is she was doing okay. Because god knows, I wasn't.

Austin stuffed his hands inside the pockets of his pants. "Make sure the call is private." He then walked out of the dinning room, leaving only me and the whole mess he had created behind.




"Mom?" My voice came out more of a whisper than anything else. My heart was pounding nonstop and that not being enough I was also shaking. The palms of my hands were extremely sweaty. I was currently in the guest room upstairs as I had left the dinning room for more privacy. I was pacing back and forth nervously.

"Amelia?" I heard my mom's voice on the other line. It had a bit of excitement yet disbelief. I smiled to myself, she always called me Amelia. She wasn't the type of woman who did nicknames. Unless it considered cute nicknames you would call a child, other than that- she had always called me by actual name rather than Mia. God, I missed her.

"Yes." I breathed into the phone. "Yes, mom. It's me..."

I heard a small cry of relief on the other line. "My baby- Amelia where are you? Are you okay? Are you safe?" Her voice was letting me know right away that she was trying to prevent herself from bursting out in tears. Her voice would crack every time she spoke. "Amelia- I'm doing whatever possible to find you and bring you home. I'm not letting you down sweetheart. I'm going to save you. Whatever I have to do I will do it for you. I-"

"Mom- mom, I'm okay. I'm safe, I'm okay. I promise."

This however didn't seem to calm my mother down at all. A few seconds later she had given in and cried everything she was trying to hold in, out. "Where are you? What's going on?" She pleaded for answers. "They took you from me."

"I'm safe, don't worry. I'm with a friend mom."

"Amelia honey, come home... I need you here." My mom cried as her voice cracked.

This broke my heart into a billion pieces. Trust me, as much as I wanted to and needed it as well, I couldn't. My heartbeat sped faster as I was hearing her talk like this. "I can't." I finally managed to say. "Mom I can't. It's not safe. If I go home it will only make things worse."

"Amelia what are you talking about?" Her tone changed completely into a broken state. "What is going on?" She demanded.

"It's a long story." I sighed as I tried to maintain the tears from slipping away. "I can't tell you- at least not now. Just please trust me mom. I am okay- I am safe. But I can't come home now." I took a deep breath. "Just please believe in me, please." I desperately begged.

There was a long pause, too long for my liking that is. The other line of the phone went quiet. Mom hadn't spoken in a while. I was debating wether or not to just hang up since I wasn't really sure she was even on the other side of the line anymore. I wanted her to trust me, to have faith in me. It wasn't the right time to come home according to Austin. But if I could, I would be there in a heartbeat. I would be lucky if she even believed in what I was saying. But I knew that I didn't want to let her down, I felt so secure once I heard her voice and I didn't want to lose that. I didn't want to lose her, I already lost my dad, so please not her too.

After such a long silence, she finally spoke again. "I trust you Amelia... Just please be safe wherever you are. Can you promise me that?"

"I promise." A small tear managed to escape the corner of my eyes.

I heard as mom only sobbed back. "Mom?" This was it. I was going to ask her about dad. I didn't want to surprise her at all if she wasn't aware of anything just yet. Though I had a feeling she probably knew already. Still, I needed to bring it up other wise I wouldn't feel right if I didn't.

She didn't say anything but waited for me to go on and talk. "D- do you know about... Dad?" Even though with everything going on I had tried my best to not let weak Mia show. She wasn't going to come out any time soon, hopefully maybe even forever. She was locked up for good.

Mom broke down crying seconds later on the other line of the phone. I should've just kept my mouth shut, but I couldn't. That was the thing, I just couldn't.

"Mom..." The guilt being trapped inside me was eating me whole. How could I have been so stupid to bring this up. I really hated myself. "Please don't cry." My voice cracked every time, as well as my heart. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. I just-"

"I saw him..." She spoke faintly. "He was on the floor, unconscious." Pausing to catch her breath I immediately felt just now how mom was feeling. Horrible, plain horrible. "I couldn't react, I couldn't do anything Amelia. Honey- I've never felt so powerless in my entire life." She cried.

This brought me back to that old flashback I couldn't seem to ever forget. When dad was there on the floor, and I had found him. This is how it was, mom went through the exact same thing as I did. I remember him being rushed to the hospital and I being beside him every step of the way, witnessing everything. I even remember making that dumb promise to him to not mention anything to mom. Of course, I went along with it.

I should have known. I was small and stupid. I knew this wasn't something that needed to be kept a secret, yet I went along with it. One thing for sure, was that I should've told mom about right from the beginning. But I couldn't do anything about it. I wasn't surely going to bring this up right now.

"Mom, it's okay." Trying to comfort her, I tried my hardest to maintain my emotions from showing. "We have to say together. We will get through this together-"

"Amelia don't tell me these things when you aren't here." At this point I honestly don't think I have ever seen my mother like this.

There was this one time, that I can remember- when my grandad died, this same thing happened. Mom wouldn't come out of her room for days. She was trapped in her own little world of sorrows. During that time I believe I was only seven. Mom needed someone to push her through and tell her she was going to be okay; that everything was going to be okay. And it was dad. He was there for her every step of the way. Helping her through everything. And now, I was afraid she only had one person now to do that for her. And that person was me. But I couldn't exactly do that when I'm not with her. I just couldn't.

This isn't fair. I'm supposed to be the one who needs comforting. She's supposed to be the one who's providing it. But lately, it seems like we have switched roles. Coming to realization now, it hit me. Austin was the only one comforting me through these difficult times. Or at least trying to that is. Either way it was him, the only one who assured me things were going to be okay even when I knew they really weren't. Yeah he can be an asshole at times but overall, he did manage to make me believe things might not be so bad.

"Mom" I had given in. The tears started falling as they slowly made their way down my puffy cheeks. "I can't- I told you. If I could I would. I called to hear your voice." Pausing to catch my breath, I wiped the tears away and cleared my throat softly. "Just please give me time. You don't know how I feel. Don't do this to me, please. Don't put it out on me."

"Now you know I wouldn't do that." The line went quiet as mom tried breathing steadily to control herself from crying again. "I'm sorry that I made you feel that way Ameli. I just want my little girl to be home with me..."

" -I love you Amelia, okay?"

"I love you too mom."

As strange as it may seem, I felt mom smiling through the phone. So I decided to smile to myself as a way to rerun the smile. "I will be home soon."

She knew right away the call was soon to be over. Mom sighed to herself and soon enough we both stayed quiet. "When are you calling again?" She questioned me in a hopeful manner.

"I don't know." I replied honestly. It was the truth, I didn't know. I didn't know if I would ever get the chance to talk to her soon enough. But I knew that eventually I will be going home. Eventually.

"Okay." Mom whispered.

"Mom?" I raised my voice into a higher tone. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I will be seeing you soon. I'm keeping that promise."

"You will always be the best daughter, Amelia. I am sure your dad would be so proud of how strong you're staying, just like how proud I am of you right now."

Just like that, the phone call was over and the line went completely dead.


"Are you okay?"

Austin walked inside the room, he right then placed his eyes on me. I was holding his phone tight in my hands. It felt weird, I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Nothing would come out, but this is what I wanted...

"I'm okay." I nodded in response. Reaching my hand out to Austin, he took his iPhone and placed it back in his pocket. I bit the inside of my cheek to contain myself from saying thank you. I didn't want to thank him, for anything in general. Not after how he makes me feel, so little.

"Look-" Austin walked closer and took a seat next to me on the edge of the bed. "I just wanted to say that..."

I waited and I waited, but nothing. Nothing at all. Austin was tongue tied at the moment, or at least that's what it looked like to be. He froze right in place and tensed up. I only fixed my eyes at him as he stared into the distance with absolutely no response.

"Go on..." I gestured with my hands for him to continue. Capturing his attention he turned his entire body to my side as he looked at me with those hazel-green eyes of his.

"I just wanted to say that-" Austin paused and sighed as he locked his jaw tight. "That I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have said those things back there. I admit that I was wrong." I listened along to what he had to say, I didn't really expect an apology from him. But it was sure nice to receive one.

"Damon was right... I just don't know what happened to me." He furrowed his eyebrows and quickly ran a hand through his hair frustrated. It almost seemed as if he was angry with himself.

"I just don't know. I was mad and annoyed- just in an unexplainable state. I'm in those a lot usually."

"But you didn't have to take out on me..." I commented. "Especially calling me those horrible names that you know exactly I'm nothing like that."

"I know, and I said I was sorry okay?" Austin spoke, but this time his voice was much more stern.

"If you were mad you could just have handled it in a much different way rather than always lashing out on people."

Austin stood up right away from the bed. "I said I was sorry okay?!" He growled pissed off. "How many fucking times do I have to repeat it? I know what I did was wrong but don't fucking lecture me on what to do or not to do." His face was red with fury as he let each and every single word come out of his mouth. "Last time I checked, you aren't my mother so stop acting like it, dammit."

That I expected. I always hated fighting with Austin and I always will. But I know that we will never really stop these kind of fights. The thing is, he made sure it was him who always won. And I was so sick and tired of it. Even when he was wrong he still wanted to come out all big and tough, things don't work that way.

"See?!" I yelled at him as I motion with my hand to the space separating us. His entire body is hovering over me, I have to look up just to talk to him. "There you go again. This is what I mean, you always want to start something."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Austin hissed. "I don't start anything, I make sure to end it."

I shake my head disagreeing comepletely. "You know what? I used to be scared of you." I admit. Though I make sure I don't let out that I still kind of am a little frighten by him. "But I'm so tired of you always putting your damn problems to blame on others."

"You're really starting to piss me off." He snarled.

I rolled my eyes. That's the only thing I manage to do around him anyway, all I have to do is breath and that will set Austin completely off.

"You act as if you're so perfect. Always walking around school with your arms filled with books, and your stupid little friends following your lead."

"Don't you dare bring my friends into this!" I yelled at Austin.

He scoffed. "Well guess what? You aren't little miss perfect, are you? Girls like you your really piss me the fuck off."

"Girls like what?" I questioned with annoyance. I always hated when he talked about me as if he knew me. He didn't know anything.

"Girls like you." Austin stated gesturing me up and down with his hand. "So innocent, outstanding grades-" he mocked. "Always wanting to please everyone. Wanting everything to always be peachy perfect. I've got you all figured out. But guess what?" He paused and stepped closer to the edge of the bed where I was sitting. "Life isn't perfect. So for once, stop acting like you are as well."

I glared at him with nothing but hatred. Who the hell was he to tell me these things? He shouldn't even be talking when he knows damn well he is nothing but pure trouble. The whole town knows about him and his little act. He's no good. At least, I have a honest future to look forward to. At least I have friends who care about me. At least I have a real life. Well now that's all gone thanks to him.

"I never act like I am perfect!" I argued back. "Because I'm not, I'm way far from that."

"That- you certainly got right." He laughed sarcastically.

I had it, I was completely indignant. "You are the biggest jerk ever."

Austin only smirked in my presence. "Not the first time I've been called that." He shrugged carelessly.

"Are you really proud of who you are? Because if I were you, I sure as hell wouldn't."

He formed his lips into a straight thin line. "God, do you ever just shut up? Little miss perfect?" He raised an eyebrow. "Don't you get tired of hearing your own damn annoying voice. Huh, little miss perfect?" He pouted with his lips, something that was sure annoying the hell out of me.

"Don't call me that." I warned.

"Call you what? Little miss perfect?" He taunted. "Well it is the truth... Right? You and I both know you can't deny that. You want everything to be perfect, you always try your best to achieve perfection. So why does it bother you so much when I call you that?" Austin came closer to me as a way to push my buttons even more. "If it's exactly what you try to be Mia."

"I said to not call me that." I lowered my voice.

"What?" He set on a confused look in a sarcastic way. "Does little miss perfect not like it when I call her perfect?"

"Stop!" I yelled.

"Make me." He smirked mischievously.

I stood right up from the bed and shoved Austin back. His chest was extremely hard, but I managed. I continued on to shove him until we reach the wall and there was no space left. I had put all the anger he had caused me to gain and use my strength, and I did it. I had finally shut him up. Only the one possible way to do so, was to connect my lips to his. And so I did.

My hands where on his chest as I had backed him up against the wall and kissed him. Talking a taste of his soft lips on mine, and in no time he was kissing me back. Our lips moved together in rythm. Just there, for what seemed to go on for ages. Only the weird thing was, I was enjoying it. I would never admit to him but quite strangely, I was craving more. This wasn't good but I couldn't stop. His lips fit perfectly with mine. They were starting to feel like an addiction. A need. And this wasn't how things weren't supposed to go. It was what he wanted, another game. And quite frankly I had gave in to play.




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