Chapter 52

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Its been a year since me and Austin became a thing and I have to admit he makes me very very happy. Me and Alan have gotten closer and me and Sophie and Shayley hangout a lot. Currently I'm at the mall with Sophie and Shayley. They are inseperable. Of course they are siblings.

"You who earth to Carter" Sophie said snapping her fingers in my face.

"Huh, oh sorry" I said and rolled my eyes.

She pointed to Rue 21 and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" I said and they both squealed. Yes. Shayley squealed like a girl.

We got there and I really didn't like this store so I just followed them around. They would hold stuff up for me and I would shake my head.

"Come on you can't just shop at Hot Topic your whole life. Live a little and try something new" sge yelled and I sighed and said "fine" unenthusiasticly.

When we were done I walked out with like two bags and we went to Hot Topic and I got a whole shit load there and we also went to Journeys and I got some shoes there. Now she wants to go to Victoria Secret.

"No" I said quickly. But she and Shay drag me in there.

She holds up dome lingerie and I laugh at her.

"Um no" I said.

"If you wabt me to get lingerie it's not happening. I'm not exactly confident in it you know" I said and she and Shay rolled there eyes.

"Please I have seen you naked and you have the hottest body I have ever seen" Shay said and I blushed and mumbled "thanks."

"Fine I will try it on but I won't like it" I said and went to the dressing room with the lingerie she had in her hands. I didn't try it on though.

I walked out and we got some smoothies before we got in my car and went to my apartment. Now I know what your thinking. I didn't move i woth Austin because I don't know I just haven't. I mean I completely trust him but I just can't bring myself to do it. I dropped thwm off at Shay's and drove home. I had my phone plugged into the radio and it was on shuffle when Public Service Announcement came on. Suprise.

I shut off my car and made my way inside with my bags. I opened the door and set my bags down and closed my door. I picked them back up and carried them to my room. I put everything away and went back out to the living room amd Austin was asleep on the couch. I bent down and shook him lihhtly and said "baby, I'm home" quietly. He smiled and sat up rubbing his eyes.

"I missed you"he mumbled pulling me down on his lap.

"And I missed you" I said turning my head and kissing him which soon turned into a make out session.

I have to admit I do miss Alan bit I always will. I was gonna have his children. I will always love him. But I love Austin too. He treats me like a princess and I love it. He makes me food when I don't ask him too. He takes me on suprise dates. He waits for me to come home and gives me my space when he knows I need it. He understands when I am having a breakdown and I judt want Alan and he doesn't care. He is there for me no marter whar and I couldn't be happier. But there are times that when I do have a breakdown I tell him all kinds of things that I shouldn't. I tell him to give up kn me. That I'm just gonna be in the way. He can find someone better. But he sticks with me.

I smiled through thw kiss and so did he. "What" I said and he laughed.

"You. Your thinking about me. I can tell. Your so damn cute" he said and I laughed.

"You know me so well don't you Mr. Carlile?" I said in a posh tone.

"Indeed I do. Now go get ready baby, I have a concert today" he said abd I pecked him on the cheek before leaving to go get ready.

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