Chapter 27

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Carter's P.O.V

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and for a few minutes I didn't bother to check who it was. My face was buried in his chest. His hoodie smelt good, like rain and colonge.

I finally looked up and what I saw shocked me. My old friend. Shayley Fucking Bourget.

I just stared at him for a few seconds.

" well hello to you too pretty little lady " he said which made me smile. I wrapped my arms around him and just cried and cried.  I'm so happy he is here. So happy.

" Shay why are you here " I asked.

But before he could answer everything went black.


I woke up to a white room with what smelt like cleaner and alcohol pads. A hospital. Yay.

I looked over and I saw Shayley sleeping. His hand resting on his cheek. I laughed a little under my breath. Suddenly his eyes flutter open and he engulfed me in a hug once he notices I'm awake.

" Hey Shay " I said hoarsely.

" Hey how are you feeling " he asked now standing right beside my bed.

" Well besides the fact I'm in a hospital fine " I said laughing slightly.

" That's good. Hey is it okay if the rest of the guys come in. They really are pretty worried about you. Especially Alan " he said looking down at the floor.

" yeah " was all I said. I really wanna see the rest of them but then again I don't. Soon the rest of them piled in the room and crushed me with hugs.

" Hey guys. I love you all but I need to breathe " I said breathlessly.

" sorry " they all say.

" so when can I be released " I ask and of course Austin is he one to respond.

"  anytime you want " he said casually.

" Good then let's go " I said but Austin came over and gently pushed me back down when I tried to get up.

" Woah take it easy there " he said with a chuckle.

I gave him a death stare and slowly sat up and ripped my chords out. That's when I realized Alan wasn't there.

" Um guys, where is Alan " I asked.

" Actually we don't know " Tino said.

" He didn't say anything to us before he left. Something about he will be back in a while and to tell you he is sorry he couldn't be here when you woke up " Phil said.

" Whatever let's just get me home" I said and with that we went home.


We made it to my apartment and the rest of the guys besides Austin and Shay stayed with me and we are now walking up to my apartment.

I went to unlock it but I found it already unlocked.


Me and the guys walked in and I told them to make themselves comfortable while I went back to my room to change when I found the most surprising thing. Alan was in my apartment. With a kitten. On my bed. Playing with it.

" Alan what are you doing " I said crossing my arms.

" Oh my god I'm so sorry for not being at the hospital with you " he said while giving me a big hug.

" Alan its fine but what is on my bed " and then he gave a mischevious grin and I couldn't help but smile.

" I found her in the woods actually. So I got her and brought her here. Didn't want to krqce her out there all alone " he said while playing with her.

" Thank you Alan " I said and kissed his cheek which made him blush. It was adorable. I picked her up and brought her out for the Austin and Shayley to see.

" What should we name her guys? Alan got her for me. Found her helpless in the woods. She is fully black and freaking adorable " I said while putting my nose up to hers.

" Umm how about..........Fifi " Austin said like a child.

" Why Fifi " Shay asked questioningly.

" First thing that popped into my head. Plus, it works for a boy or a girl " he said enthusiastically.

" Its a girl and I like the name Fufi " Alan said.

" Fufi it is then " I screamed and held the cat and before injnew it she was sitting on my shoulder.

Just then Justin walked in.

And my mood switched from happy to pissed off as soon as he walked in the door.

" Hey! I've missed you " he said and wrapped his arms around me. But all I could bring myself to do was just stand there. I can't hug him back. I'm still pissed off at him for what he did to me.

He pulled me back to look at my face and said " whats wrong " as if he didn't know.

I got away from his grasp and stormed off to my room with someone following me bit I didn't care to check who it was.

I slammed my bedroom door and went to the bathroom and shut the door. I slid down the wall and started crying. I couldn't stop. The tears just kept coming and coming. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. So I went to the thing I knew would take the pain away. I reached in the drawer and grabbed my little black makeup bag full of blades. I know I shouldn't but I don't know what else to do. I drug the blade across my smooth skin, creating many new lines and fresh new scars.

" Stop " I heard someone say and I turned around to see Shayley in the doorway.

He came over and knelt down to where he was eye level with me.
He reached for the blade and I hesitated before dropping it in his hands.

" You promised me you would never do this again Carter " he said with tears threating to spill over " you said you would never do it again. He isn't worth your pain. He doesn't deserve you. He isn't worth you hurting yourself. You have so many people who care about you. Please stop this " he finished as a tear rolled down his cheek. Then I saw Austin in the doorway with his hands over his mouth.

" But what if I can't. Maybe he had every right to cheat. I'm not good enough and I never will be. I'm just a worthless piece of shit. Not worth saving. Obviously. You don't have to pretend to care anymore. None of you do " I said coldly.

" Do you really think we don't care? That I don't care? God damn it Carter! You are worth saving and don't even think for a second your not! I love you and I never want to see you like this. Every time I saw you like this it killed me inside and I tried everything I could to help you. When I left I thought it would be fine. That I was causing you trouble but I knew I should have stayed! I'm sorry. Please don't give up on us. On me " he said with taers basically streaming down his face.

Austin was no where in sight now.

" I won't " I said hoarsly. Shay cleaned me up and we walked back out to the living room where Justin and Alan were almost killing each other.

" You don't deserve her " Alan yelled and punched him in the face. Justin fell on the floor and held his cheek. I quickly went over to Alan and tried to pull him off. " Alan get off of him " I screamed and he got off as soon as I said it.

I looked at Justin and said " Get out " coldly.

" Baby please I'm sorry " he pleaded.

" Get. Out. Now. "

And with that he left.

A/N: what do you guys think? Sorry for the triggers but I just had to. It just fit perfectly with the story. So who do you ship? Sharter, Jarter, or Calan? Sorry for the terrible ship names.

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