Chapter 23

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I just stared at my sister.

" Ate you seriously not gonna say anything " I spat the words out like venom at her.

" Jackson I am so sorry for everything and I-" and he cut her off.

" Linkin I don't wanna hear it okay? I have had enough of your shit. I don't care if your sorry anymore because you'll just do it again. You've changed and I don't like it at all. You made me want to kill myself because of what you said and that was the last time " he said sternly.

To be honest I was a bit shocked.

" Wait, last time " I said gritting my teeth.

" Yeah it's not the first time she has done this to me. Ever since you and Justin became friends she has been out of control. I hate it. She parties all the time then I have to come get her because she us too drunk to drive. I try to call you and she breaks my phone and cusses me out. She talks shit about you and when I tell her to stop she starts on me too. I've had enough " he finished.

I looked at her and said " Did you tell him what happened to me because I know for a fact that someone told you " I stated.

Jackson just gave me a confused look.

" Go on Linkin. Tell him. "

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

" I was ' harassing her ' and she had enough of it. I guess I was so bad to her that she almost jumped off of a building. Talk about over dramatic " she said and laughed slightly.

" Are you serious Linkin " he said through gritted teeth.

" I don't see the big deal to be honest " she said rolling her eyes.

But, to my luck my aunt was right there and heard everything.

A/N: so what do you guys think? What should their aunt do to Linkin. Comment and vote. Love you all!!!

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