Chapter 22

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She hung up and I just stood there. I slowly brought the phone away from my ear and dropped it on the ground.

This can't be happening.

" Carter what's going on " Justin asked.

I still stayed silent.

He took my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes.

" Please Carter, talk to us " he pleaded.

" it's Jackson. He's in the hospital. Hr was in a bad car crash. They don't know if he is going to make it " I said trying my hardest not to cry but I failed. I just cried hysterically into his shirt and he ran his fingers through my hair and said " shh shb it'll be okay. He will get through this. He is a strong kid " on my ear soothingly.

Now they were all hugging me in a Group hug.

"" I said in an attempt for them to get off.

They immediately got off and apologized.

" I have to go to the hospital to see him " I said urgently.

" woah woah you aren't driving anywhere " Tony said.

" Yeah one of us will drive you " Vic spoke up.

" what are all of you gonna come with me " I asked doubtfully.

" Yes yes we are " Jack said.

" okay " I said, not in the mood to argue.

Carter's P.O.V

We arrived at the hospital and all nine of nine of us rushed in the hospital. I was getting strange looks but I could careless at this point.

We finally reached his room and my aunt was there outside the room and gave me a hug. She was a mess. Her pink and purple curly ombre hair a ness and bags under her flawless eyes.

She motioned for us to go in and all the boys walked in slowly with me in front of him.

There she was. My sister.

She looked up and I almost didn't recognize her. Her black hair was wild and she was insanely pale. She had bags under her eyes. I have never seen her like this.

I walked and stood on the other side of the bed. Justin was beside me and just then the doctor came in and told us we had to sit outside while he talks to my Linkin.

We stood outside and sat in the waiting room. He soon came out and said we could see him but family only.

" I'm his sister " I said quickly.

Me and Justin walked in and she had her head in her hands.

" Hie did he get in this Linkin " I said sternly.

She started sobbing and looked up and at me and then Justin and then back at me.

It was hard for Justin to see her because of what she put me through. I could see his body tense and his eyes got hard.

" It i-it w-was m-m-me. I was-s d-d-runk and he c-c-came o-v-ver and a-asked when you w-were coming over next cause he w-wanted to see you since he d-d-didnt have y-your n-number and I went off on him and I-I I told him to go k-k-k-kill himself. That he was worthless and that he k ows he was a mistake and his mom hates him and he has no hope for anything. Next thing I know he is here " she said in between sobs.

I stared at her for what felt like forever trying to control my temper and stormed out of there and ran to the parking lot with Justin and now Tony behind me.

I finally reached it and stopped in the middle of it and screamed.

" FUCK " I screamed and threw my phone down but luckily it didn't shatter because Justin caught it.

" Whhat the hell happened in there Car" Tony asked with deep concern.


" Look at me " Justin said while holding my face to make me look at him " you need to calm down. Okay?"

I nodded my head and just started bawling.

" Hey let's go back inside. He might be awake " Tony said convincingly.

So we walked back on and when I walked inside sure enough he was awake. Tony told the guys and they all came in and gave him hug and told them they were all glad he was awake. ( they know who he is because i introduced them to him a while back) He looked at me and I ran over to him and leaned down to give him a gentle hug.

" As soon as my aunt told me I came " I said.

" I'm glad you are here " he said happily.

My sister was just sitting there unable to say anything.

A/N: So finally got one more chapter in!!! Let me know what you think! Comment / vote!!!! Love you and happy reading

Finding the Courage to Fly ( A Sleeping with Sirens And Other Bands Fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant