Chapter 34

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I'm having second thoughts about this whole date thing.

What if I decide I like Shay more than Alan? It will ruin everything.

" you won't ruin everything. Whatever happens happens. Don't sweat it. They are lucky to have you " Justin said. I must have said that out loud. I blushed and looked down while whispering " thanks. "

" doesn't Shay have a girlfriend?" Justin asked.

My whole world just turned upside down. He what.

" her name is Alexis and she really isn't pretty at all. Oh shit I shouldn't have said anything. I am so sorry Carter " Justin apologized and Kellin slapped him in the back of the head.

" dumbass. Now she is upset " Kellin said.

" no its fine. Really. I shouldn't be upset. We weren't dating or anything. Its just. I thought we had a thing and I wasn't sure being the dumbass I am I was to scared to ask him " I started " I should not be mad. I am going in a date with Alan on Friday and its gonna be great. I need to forget about Shayley. I never meant anything to him anyways " I finished and now I was full on crying my eyes out. Justin wrapped his arms around me and let me cry into his chest. I just cried and cried while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. It worked though because I finally stopped crying. He pulled me back by my shoulders as if to examine my hideous puffy face. My lips were swollen and my eyes were red and puffy.

" hey. He isn't worth your tears okay? You are an amazing person and any guy would be lucky to have you. I promise " he said honestly.

You know for being an ex boyfriend he is an amazing friend.

" thanks " I laughed a bit. He wiped my tears off with his thumb and said " your too beautiful to cry " sweetly.

I smiled. I really miss him sometimes.

" how about we go to the back lounge and watch some movies, yeah " he suggested and I nodded my head.

" okay I'll get the movies and everything you just go back there" he rushed and I just laughed and went back there and sat down on the end of the couch back there. He soon can't back with a big blanket, food, and like three packs of monsters and movies. They were horror movies and action movies. The conjouring, a haunting in Connecticut, jaws, zombie land, and a nightmare on elm street, and Halloween. The rob zombie version. My favorite. Oh and to top it off It.

" you know you didn't have to do this right? You should be hating me and hanging out with tour friends. That's what ex's do " I said looking down. He lifted my head up to meet his eyes.

" I could never hate you Carter Jensen. I was the stupid one. I didn't see what I had until it was gone " he said looking me straight in the eyes. With that he put in the movie and I couldn't help but snuggle up next to him. His arm was around my waist and I was comfortably against his side. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he rested his chin on my head.

I soon drifted to sleep after the third movie and five monsters.

Shayley's P.O.V

I can't quit thinking about her.

I should have asked her before she left. Now she probably found someone else. Well I can't say much. I had to find someone to quit thinking about her.

I'm still at her apartment. But with a huge hangover. This new girl I'm with is a bitch. I know she is cheating on me but I can't be alone.

I don't wanna be alone.

Carter's P.O.V

I woke up with Justin next to me in the same position I fell asleep in. I got out of his grip and kissed his forehead before going out of the bus and finding my way to OM&M's bus.

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