Chapter 4

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I parked in the parking lot where the concert was and realized that I really had to pee. Linkin and I got out and I locked the car. She was gonna go to the merch tents. I wanted to go with her but I really had to go to the bathroom so I told her to get me some stuff while she is there.

I walked inside and found the bathroom quickly.

When I was done I went to open the bathroom door and as I walked out I ran straight into something and fell flat on my back.

" What the hell!" I said furiously.

"Oh my gosh I am So Sorry"  a familiar voice said

I looked up and their was Justin Hills from Sleeping with Sirens.

He held out his hand and I took it.

I finally took it and he pulled me up. I finally said " Oh don't worry about it it's fine. Really. It's my fault for not being more observant." 

"NO don't apologize. It's my fault I should've been looking where I was going " he said taking the blame.

" Is this your first concert?" he asked

"No, well..actually yes. I was supposed to go to Warped but I didn't." 

He gave me a confused look and he said "why not?"

" It was either go to Warped or go on a three day shopping spree around the world for my twin sister Linkin on my 16 birthday." I said

" Well I can't argue with that. I have to go get ready for the show but can I have your number?" he said.

I handed him my phone as I nodded my head quickly.

He handed me his phone and we put each others numbers in the phones and handed them back to each other when we were done. He smiled at me and said " I'll text you " and walked out the door. 

After he left I jumped and squealed for like forever.

I went out to where the concert was at and spotted my sister.

I walked to her and told her what just happened. 

"Seriously!OMG Carter-"

"Shut up" I said as I covered her mouth.

She stopped talking and nodded her head.

I uncovered her mouth and Kellin went up on stage and gave his speech before they started playing.

They played Dead Walker Texas Ranger, Deja Vu, The Bomb Dot Com V2.0, Who Are You Now, and If I'm James Dean Than Your Audrey Hepburn. I thought they were done but they sang one last song. It was Alone.

When it was over me and Linkin went to my car and she drove home. I was drifting off to sleep when I realized I left my purse in the bathroom at the concert.

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