Chapter 32

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* A week later *

So me and Justin made up and we are just friends and I'm really happy to be back around them all. I really missed them. Currently I'm hanging out with them and of mice and they are all arguing on who is going to bring me along on warped.

" girls girls your both pretty. I can transition between both of you guys " I said like it was nothing and shrugged my shoulders.

" fine " they all said.

" when do we leave for warped again " I asked no one in particular.

" um out bus is leaving tomorrow " Kellin said.

" okay then can you guys pick me up " I asked and he nodded and I got a text from shay that said hurry up. I have something for our before you leave

Shay is currently living with me. More like he stays over a lot.

" Guys I gotta go. Shay insists I go home now " I said and rolled my eyes. They all went 'ohhh' and I gave them death glares. I hopped in my car and turned it on only to scream when the radio was up almost all the way with Linkin Park blasting through the speakers. Papercut to be exact.

" Damn it Ashby " I said and went home.

I walked in the door and was greeted by Shay with a hug.

" Shay. Can't. Breathe. Need. Air."

" sorry " he said and let go. He grinned mischeviously.

" what did you do " I asked.

" nothing. I got you something. Close your eyes and hold your hands out " hr demanded and put something in my in my hands once I did what he commanded. I opened my eyes and I almost screamed. I love it.

It was a goldskull with the head cut open and popped open. I looked at Shay with a questioning look and he held what looked like a golden brain necklace in his hand.

" They're friendship necklaces. That way when your at warped and feeling lonely you can look down and remember I'll always be there for you no matter what " he said.

" Thank you so much Shay " I said on the break of tears.

I gave him a hug and cried into his chest. Tears of joy of course.

He put the necklace on me and I put his on him.

" I'm gonna muss you so much " I said and he chuckled.

" come on. You have to get packed " he said and we went to my room and started packing.

After almost three hours packing we are finally done. And I only brought a suitcase and a backpack. I had to make sure everything was perfect.

I yawned and he laughed a little.

" I think I'm gonna go * he said with a light chuckle.

" no " I said too eagerly.

" I mean, Stay. Please " I said slower this time.

" okay " he said sighing.

" Yay" I said and then " I have to change so get out " and he laughed.

" like I haven't seen you naked before " and I blushed and threw a pillow at his face.

I put on some black pierce the veil shorts and an of mice and men shirt. Haha.

I climbed into bed and he came in and laid right beside me and put his arms around my waist as I laid my head on his chest and he put his chin on the top of my head.

Finding the Courage to Fly ( A Sleeping with Sirens And Other Bands Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now