Chapter 51

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Its been two weeks and I so far hate it. I hate not being able to remember anything. It really sucks. I mean sure, I remember stuff about me. Like I love rock music and my favorite band is Of Mice And Men. Which Austin is in now that I think about it. So is that ginger boy.

I have my ear buds in and am lying on the couch while Austin is out getting me a case of monster.

"I'm back" he said and I got up and almost tackled him.

"Hey slow down there" he laughingly said.

I have began to learn I love his laugh and the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs and smiles.

I grabbed the case and sat it on the counter. My phone went off so I went to check it when it slipped from my grasp and fell on the floor. Perfect. But if course Austin grabbed it and handed it back to me. Just then the door bell rang. But Austin beat me too it and I shrugged it off and put my eat buds back in and continued The Depths. I opened my monster can and made my way towards the couch. I turned around and Austin shutbthe door and something flicked in his eyes that I couldn't put my finger on.

I have slowly been reganing my memory. But he doesn't help at all. All I do is sit around and listen to music or watch TV or cuddle and talk with Austin. I mean yeah I'm glad he is here and always here for me but it is beginning to be too much. And I wanna know more about this cute ginger boy.

I felt an ear bud be pulled out and I groaned and looked at him and laughed at the stupid cute face he was making.

"What" I laughed.

"Don't ignore me" he whined.

"Fine then let's do something" I sad taking my other earbud out and crossing my arms over my chest, preparing for another argument.

"You know the doctor doesn't want you out and about for a while" he said and I was so ready this time.

"It has been two fuvking weeks Austin. I'm sire I will be just fine. My knee is feeling better" I assured but if course I was lying. Truth be told my knee hurt like a bitch.

"No" he said and I got fed up.

"Austin what is your deal? I never go anywhere. I'm always here. Never do anything be a use its bad for me and who was that at the door?" I asked.

"No one" he retaliated.

"Tell me now" I demeaned.

"Shayley" he finally gave in.

"What did he want" I asked.

He sighed. "He wanted to gang out with you today and I told him you weren't feeling well"he said and I finally had enough.

I got up and ran.

I ran out the door and ignored his voice telling my name.

I ran as long as I could run and stopped to catch my breath when it started pouring rain. Perfect. My makeup was starting to run and my hair was plastered to my face. My shirt clung to my small frame and I hated it.

I just sat against the trunk of a tree and let the rain cover me. Until my phone rang. It was Alan.
"H-hello" I stuttered.

"Carter where are you" He asked with so much worry in his voice it made me smile.

"Against a tree in an abandoned part of town" I sobbed.

"I'll be there in a second" he said and sure enough he got here not even give minutes later.

"Hey. What are you doing out here by yourself in the rain" he asked and I just hugged my knees to my chest.

He sighed and took my hand and lifted me up. Now I was face to face with him. He searched my eyes and smiled. "What" I asked.

Finding the Courage to Fly ( A Sleeping with Sirens And Other Bands Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now