Chapter 36

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To be honest I'm kinda scared.

We stopped finally and he asked me are you ready " with excitement.

I nodded my head and he uncovered my eyes.

It was the place where I first met him. Me and Justin were on a date and he pissed me off so I went outside. There I ran into Alan. Literally ran into him.

" is it okay " he asked worridly.

" Alan. Its. Its amazing " I said tearing up.

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

He pulled away and said " well. Shall we " and held the door open for me.

" why thank you Mr.Ashby " I said and laughed a little. I hate it when girls giggle. It pisses me off.

We took our table because I guess he had reservations. Nice.

We ordered our food. Ironically the same thing. Steak with Caesar salad on the side. We both just laughed and joked and when we got our food we devoured it.

He paid for the bill and we left.

" what are we going to do now Mr.Ashby " I asked poshly.

" well Mrs. Jensen since you ought to know we are going to take a walk by the river " he said mocking my tone.

We walked along the river. It was a beautiful night. The sun was about to set and mine and Alan's fingers are intertwined. I usually just think of him as a friend. But right now. I don't know. I've never seen this side of Alan. The side who actually pays attention when your talking. Flirts with you. Makes you feel like your the only girl in the world. And I lived that. But I don't know how I feel about Shay. Yeah he is amazing but sometimes he makes me feel like shit.

Alan pulled me out of my thoughts by asking " are you okay? What's wrong " his eyes flooding with concern. I never noticed but he has beautiful deep brown eyes. I love the way they get big when he is worried. His freckles are just adorable and his lips are perfect.

" yeah just thinking " I said with a fake smile.

No one ever notices but Shay and Austin. I guess he did too.

" quit that " he spat.

" quit what " I asked.

" that fake smile. I notice that a lot. I hate that you have to fake it " he said aimlessly.

" well if I didn't have depression, major trust issues, if I wasn't a toxin and didn't screw everything up then I wouldn't have to fake a smile " I spat unintentionally.

" I'm sorry " I whispered and looked down at my shoes.

He put his hands on my face and forced me to look into those gorgeous eyes of his.

" you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are not a toxin. You don't screw things up. Its their fault for not seeing what they had before they lost it. I want you to be happy " he started " and I want to make you happy. When I see those " and he gently rolled up my sleeves to reveal my scars " it kills me. I hate seeing you upset. Please. Promise me you will never do that ever again. "

I felt tears coming on and I blinked them away.

" I promise " I said and this time I am going to keep it.

" good " he said and before I knew it be collided his lipsbwith mine. It wasn't forced but more like needed. I kissed back and it was amazing. Passion and need all in one. Amazing.

We pulled away and he put his forehead against mine and said " that was amazing " breatheless.

" it was " I said just as breathless.

" so. Carter Jensen will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

Before I could think it over my heart spoke for me.

" Yes "

A/N: So what do you think? Like ? Still ship Sharter or ship Calan? Won't post a new chapter until someone comments!!! Love all of you!

Finding the Courage to Fly ( A Sleeping with Sirens And Other Bands Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now