Chapter 13

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So I have been on tour with Sleeping With Sirens for a day and it isn't too bad.

We arrived in Hollywood and I was super excited. I decided to check my phone and saw an unread message from my sister. I opened it and immediately regretted it.

Linkin: So there first show is today right? I'll be there for sure, and you can count on that. Don't be suprised if you run into me. And I'm not gonna be so friendly either xoxo

My stomach dropped. She can get nasty when she wants too. Bit so can I and outnof us two I'm the one who can fight. She hits like a five year old. But before I could reply back Justin opened the door. I quickly shoved my phone in between the couch and the cushion.

" Hey I'm glad your up. We're at the venue. Get ready because we are heading to our set to sound check " he said and shut the door so I could change.

God. I really do not feel like going now. But I can't let any of them know that. So I'm just gonna put on a brave face like I always do.

I finally got motivated enough to get dressed. I know that one ofbthw biggest thinhs she is gonna use against me is the way I'm dressed and that I'm hiding my scars because of shame. So looks like imngonna show them off today. Yay. I decided on some studded denim cuttoff shorts with an orange studded cheatah print strapless bra and my faded gray sleeveless ACDC shirt that I tied in a knot at the end on the right side and some studded black hightop converse. (Btw all of the studded stuff is studded in gold). I put my gold hoop nose ring in and all my earrings and my makeup which is the usual but a little less since it's hot. I finally put my hair in a high ponytail and let my bangs fall to the side. I looked in the mirror and was satisfied and to be honest I look hot. Not to brag but ya know.

I walked out of the back lounge and everyone was gone except Nick.

" Hey where is everyone else " I asked curious.

" Oh your done. Finally. Well, they all went for a sound check and I had to be the one to bring you to our set because I lost a game of rock paper scissors " he said and stood up to go and looked at me and said "okay, you re -" and just stopped and looked at me with wide eyes and almost fell over.

" What " I said self-consciously.

" You. You look good " he said and we walked off the bus.

" Are you sure I look okay? It's not too flashy or edgy or anything ? " I asked nervous.

" No no no you look great. It actually fits you perfectly " he said with a comforting smile.

And we arrived at the set.

A/N: Super sorry it took so long. I'll try to update more often. Please vote it would be much appreciated. Love all of you and happy reading!!

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