Chapter 19

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Carter's P.O.V.

It was 11:30 and I was still just staring at the sky that was now almost black. I checked my phone and it showed thaf Justin read it. But he didn't reply. I knew it. It's not like he would come after me. He doesn't care. He can have any girl he wants and I just wasn't good enough this time.

I was lost and I didn't know how to find my way out.

I stood up as the sun went down and the sky went completely black

I heard a door open and slam shut which made me turn around.

I saw the boys. All. Five. Of. Them. Why are they here? It's not like they care. Maybe they are here to tell my sister that I'm finally gone. Maybe they are here to see it for themselves.

Justin's P.O.V

We finally got to the rooftop and as soon as she heard the door slam shut she turned around.

She looked so sad. So confused as to why we are here. Like we just came for our own personal pleasure.

I can't let her do this.

" stop Carter " Kellin yelled while I was standing there like an idiot.
" why " she said in almost a whisper

" can't. Your better than that " Kellin said convincingly.

She looked at Kellin with tear stained cheeks and said " what if I'm not.."

" You can't do this to me..." I said looking her in the eyes.

I walked until I was right in front of her and put my hands on both sides of her face, holding her face so she had to look at me.

" Why do you care so much? Why do all of you care so much? Why won't you just let me die!! Maybe that's what I want! " she screamed.

I was so mad and upset all at the same time that I yelled back
" Because we care about you and don't want you to end your life Carter! Life is going to be hard and people are going to push you to your limit! Your sister is just a dumb jealous bitch! I love you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything ever happened to you! "

She wasn't moving, just staring at me and there were tears streaming down her face.

" Please.....just get down and we all can talk about it, okay " Kellin said while slowly walking towards her.

" Take o-one m-more step a-and I'll jump " she said while crying.

But he must've thought she was bluffing because he kept walking till he was beside me. Then Nick came beside kellin then Jack beside him and Gabe beside him.
" Because we need you. You are so fun and positive before we get onstage. You hipe us up and get us ready for the show " Gabe said.

" Your hilarious too. When we are performing and we look back and you make us laugh " Jack said.

" And you know what to do to make us happy when we are feeling down or missing someone. You know how to push our buttons too " Nick said.

" And you mean the world to us. Your family and we need you.." Kellin said.

" Please, baby...come down from there. Please. We need you " I said " I need you " and I held out my hand hoping she would take it.

A/N: Haha cliffhanger huh? I will update as soon as I can!!! So have any wants or ideas! Comment or inbox me okay?! Vote and comment! Love all of you and happy reading!!!!

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