Chapter 44

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I parked in the parking lot and shit the car off. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes trying to prepare myself for whatever I might see.

Austin said " don't worry it'll be fine. She will be so happy to see you " reassuring me.

I got out along with both boys and we made it in and I walked up to the front desk and asked if I could see my sister.

"Sure" she said way too perky.

She told me where to go and I thanked her and she gave a little "your welcome" dlgiggle while looking at Austin and Alan. I hate her.

We finally got there and I took a deep breath and. Knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard.

We all three walked in and she ran to us and gave us a hug.

She looks terrible. Her black hair is frizzy and everywhere. She has bags under her eyes and her skin was paler than I remember.

"I'm so happy you decided to come. You don't know how much I wanted to see you. I have missed you so much" she gushed.

" I missed you too" Is all I could say.

I hate seeing her like this.

But she deserves it for what she did to you

I know but

But what? Let her rot in hell for what she did to you. She made you almost kill yourself. And she isn't any better than you yet she acts like she is

"You okay"she asks and I nod.

"Okay so I want to apologize to you. I know how terrible of a person I am and that I need help. I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I never ment for you to try and kill yourself. I never ment for Jackson to end up in the hospital. I'm so sorry" she said sincerely.

How can she apologize

"I'm glad you apologized. Thank you" I said and hugged her.

The next few hours I filled her in on everything that was going on in my life and she filled me in on hers. Which wasn't much if anything.

She finally met Austin and Alan the right way and they love her. She is a big fan. That is one of the manh things we have in common.

When I got back in the car I let out a huge sigh.

" hey what was wrong with you in there. You seemed zoned out" Austin asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" I said honestly.

And he won't.

"Try me" he challenged.

" Okay, so I forgot to take all of my medicine for my PTSD, anger issues, depression, and BPD so the voices in my head keep talking and I can't get them to stop" I said looking from him to Alan.

There mouths were hung open so I started the car and pit in my Hybrid Theory CD and skipped to Papercut.

"I told you" I stated as I stopped the car.

I tried to get out but Austin just pulled the door shut.

I looked in the backseat and Alan was passes out.

"What are you doing" I said/whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me Carter"he said with his hand still on the handle.

"because I didn't want you thinking I was a freak like everyone else in my life had" I said trying to avoid those brown eyes that could make me tell him anything.

He sat up and put his fingers on my chin and made me look at him.

" you are not a freak okay. You are beautiful and smart and everything in between. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met and I don't ever want you to think different okay?"

I nodded my head and said "okay" quietly.

Just then Alan woke up.

A/N: so cliffhanger??

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