Chapter 16

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So it's been two weeks since that little incident my bitch of a sister caused. Me and Justin are still friends. He said he wanted to give me my space. He told me that he really wanted for me to be his girlfriend but he wanted to wait til I'm ready. Don't get me wrong I love him but I need time.
My sister hasn't stopped harassing me. But worst of all....I broke my promise to Justin.....

When he came over to my house and stayed at my house I was in my bathroom and he walked in on me cutting. Right then he made me promise that I would never cut again.

Currently I am deciding what to wear considering it's blazing outside. I don't want Justin to find out that I am cutting again. He will be so disappointed and it'll break his heart.

I decided to get in the shower to help get my mind off of things. The guys are out doing a set. I told them I didn't feel good. But I physically feel fine. Mentally I feel like shit.

I finally decided on my favorite pair of black adidas joggers with two white stripes going down the outside of each side, my black shirt that said "IDGAF" in horror print, and finally my hand painted converse. I painted Pierce The Veil on them. There super sweet and I have many more. I decided to throw my now bright blonde hair into a bun. My hair color is back and my hair grew out so my bangs are a lot longer now. I put mascara on that's it.

I got another text from Linkin as I was making my way to the backlounge. I opened it and it read : Am I getting to you yet? I hope so. Your pathetic and worthless. Not to mention ugly as hell. One more thing.....tell are you and Justin? Love you whore XOXO

I threw my phone across the room. I can't take this anymore.

I looked at the full body sized mirror they had back here and puched it smack in the middle. It shattered and pieces fell to the floor. There were pieces in my hand and my hand was bleeding but I didn't care. I fell to the floor and broke down. I can't handle this anymore. The pain, the fear, the voices, her, him, them, everything.

I decided on what I was gonna do. I was gonna do it tonight when the boys are asleep. I'll sneak out now and write each of them a letter on how much they meant to me and tell them how sucessful they are going to be in the future. I will text Justin as well as write him a letter. I will tell him how much he means to me and that I'm sorry that I couldn't be the person he wanted me to be.

I will take all my pills and then  go to the mental hospital I used to go to when I lived in Baltimore. This is it. My escape.

I'll finally be free.

Sorry for such a short chapter but hope you all like it. Vote and enjoy!!

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