Chapter 38

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So today is the last day on tour. Which means tomorrow I am going home. I have no idea what city we are in though. But yet again I never really do.

Tour has been amazing. I have had so much fun and I've gotten a lot closer with some of the bands. I miss Shay though.

See that's my problem though. I am with Alan yet I miss Shay so much it isn't funny. I can't wait to see him.

He hasn't texted me or called in thw past few weeks which is making me nervous. Right now I'm in my bunk with Alan asleep right beside me. I don't feel like getting out of my bunk though so I'm just laying here. Thinking about him. It's wrong I know but I can't help it. Alan hasn't done anything wrong. He has been the best boyfriend I have ever had but I just can't get Shay out of my head.

" What's wrong " Alan asked quietly.

" Nothing " I say as I roll over him and get out of the bunk.

I need to get my mind off of him.

I go and sit down on the couch in the back lounge with my head in my hands.

Not bothering to look up I hear someone come in and sit next to me. Knowing it's Alan just makes me start crying.

He held me close to him and let me cry on his chest, whispering sweet nothings in my ear to sooth me and it helped a little. He didn't ask me what was wrong. Just helped me.

That's the problem.

He is Alan Anthony Ashby and he can have any girl he wanted but he chose me. He is too good for me and I don't deserve him.

He put his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up to where I had to look into those beautiful hazel brown eyes of his.

" What's wrong, baby " he asked sweetly.

I couldn't tell him. So I forced a smile and said " It's nothing " hoping he would believe me but knowing he wouldn't. But he just told me to tell him when I am ready. He kissed my forehead and left to get ready. I should do that too. I have to stop thinking about him so much. Okay let's get ready.

I should really tey with my outfit since it's the last day of tour. SobI settled for my black strapless bra, white cropped cami, ripped overall skinnies, converse, black beanie, black rose gauges, put in my silver dimple peircings, nose peircing and finally put on my PTV necklace Tony got me. I did a thin line of black eyeliner on my top lid and put some mascara on. I'm not putting on any foundation or concealer because I'm tan and super sunburned. I put on some clear lip balm ( burts bees to be exact ) and looked at myself. My naturally curly hair was kinda hidden but not by much. My roots are starting to show though so I'm gonna have to re-dye it soon.

I was finally ready when someone knocked on the door and said " hey we are leaving for sound check

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I was finally ready when someone knocked on the door and said " hey we are leaving for sound check. Come find us when you are ready " Which was Aaron.

I opened the door just as the bus door shut. I have time to myself. I might call Shay. No. Yes. Before I knew it I was calling Shay.

A/N: I am so sorry I haven't updated in soo long. I will try to more often. So what do you think of this chapter? If you comment I might dedicate the next chapter to you! Love all of you.

Finding the Courage to Fly ( A Sleeping with Sirens And Other Bands Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now