Deleted Scene #1 ~ Crossroads

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Note: Hey, loveys. I'm back!

Anyways! This was a scene that I originally intended to be in the story. Originally, Ashton was supposed to meet Gemma and Niall with Luke at one of the Tomlinson's gatherings but a change in plot line caused me to keep this scene from being published. However, I feel that this scene was too powerful to ignore! You'll see how Ashton would've struggled a bit with himself and his growing attachment to Luke.

I hope you guys like this little bit!


Time: 11:33 pm. (After Gemma and Niall have returned. Before Luke and Aleisha's trip to Australia.)
Setting: Tomlinson Residence.

Ashton: (on the doorstep, holding Luke's arm tightly) Stay close to me.

Luke: Unless you find Calum.

Ashton: (shaking) I'm serious, Lukey. (looks up at him) I'm scared.

Luke: (soft, looks down at Ashton, brushes a lock of hair back) I'll be here as long as you need me, koala. Don't worry.

Aleisha: (behind them) Ugh. You guys make me wanna laugh, cry and throw up - all at the same time.

Luke: (annoyed, glancing at her) Who invited you, again?

Aleisha: Bitch, swerve. This is my going-away party. Not yours.

Luke: Yeah, a going-away party. (does shooing motion) Now, go away.

Aleisha: (walks past Luke, bumps him on purpose) Get your arses inside. (sarcastic) Before the sun rises, preferably. (lets herself in)

Luke: (annoyed) I'm burying her before she makes it to the airport.

Ashton: (harsh breathing, freaking out) I can't do this. (lets Luke go, walks quickly towards sidewalk) I can't.

Luke: (catches up to him, grabs his arm) Ashton! C'mon, mate. (turns him around) You'll be fine. (lowers head until they're at eye level) I'll be here. So will Calum and Ally and Louis. (softly) We
Won't let anything happen to you, sweetheart.

Ashton: (composes himself, deep breath, smiles) You called me 'sweetheart'.

Luke: (rolls eyes) The idiots at work at rubbing off on me. (chuckles) Plus, you are my wife, remember?

Ashton: (tearing up) I'm sorry. I'm such a bad wife.

Luke: (fake exasperation) I know. I want a divorce. (soft, brushing his tears away) Ashton. You're a grown man. I know that seeing Gemma upsets you but you have to realize that you're strong. You're capable of getting through this. (cups his face) You've managed to keep your head up for so long. You can keep it up for a lot longer.

Ashton: (weakly) What if I don't wanna be strong anymore? (voice cracking) What if I can't do it?

Luke: (kisses his forehead gently) Then you have me to fall back on. (grins) I'm not afraid to cuss a bitch out. The claws will come out and this kitty isn't afraid to leave a few marks.

Ashton: (giggles, wiping tears away) You're a kitty, now? You know I'll never stop calling you that, from now on.

Luke: (rolls eyes) Not afraid to scratch you either. Just for the record.

Ashton: (sticks tongue out) You can't hurt me. You love me too much.

Luke: (chuckles) Only in your wildest dreams.

Ashton: (quiet, stares up at Luke, eyes wide) But, you do love me. Right? (insecure) No matter what? (small) No matter what I do?

Luke: (serious) You didn't do anything, did you? Hurt anyone? (quieter) Yourself?

Ashton: (shakes head) No. (weak smile) I just don't think you'll love me later. When I do stupid stuff. (glances at Luke's lips, looks away, tears up, sad) I always do stupid stuff. Everyone always gets mad a-and...(shakes head, sniffles) Nevermind. I'm sorry. This whole Gemma thing is just getting to me. (tries to smile) I'll be okey.

Luke: I know. (places his forehead against Ashton's) I'm here, no matter what. (smiles) Don't worry. Okay?

Ashton: (sniffles, smiles, calmer) Yeah. Okey.

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