12. ~ Grin

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Note: Picture of baby Darcy in media.


Time: 9:08 pm.
Setting: Tomlinson Residence.

Harry: (bursts through the door carrying a two big buckets of steaming mashed potatoes) HOT! HOT! HOT! (runs to the kitchen and sets food down) HOT!

Ashton: (skips in holding one-year-old Darcy in one arm and a big bag of snacks in the other) Harry! Where do I put the chips and things?

Harry: (hurriedly opens oven and pulls out brisket) On the table, Ash. Feed Darcy some banana slices from the fridge, would you?

Ashton: (dramatically) Dobby has no master! Dobby is free! (sets Darcy on the counter, pinching her cheeks) You're lucky you're cute, Ducky. (runs to get banana slices Darcy giggles at Ashton, returns with a grin) I got the bananas, little duck. Now eat before your Dada starts throwing a fit.

Louis: (walks into kitchen, brownie in hand) Which father are we talking about, now?

Ashton: Your lovely husband. Who apparently likes to forget that I am your friend, not your baby sitter. (to Harry) This ain't no charity drive, son!

Luke: (walks in) What's going on?

Ashton: Hi, Luke! (grins) Lou, here, is asking silly questions.

Luke: (quirks lips, to Louis) I thought the hubby doesn't like it when people call you 'Lou'.

Ashton: Ashton is the exception! Ashton is special!

Louis: (under his breath) Fucking right about that.

Ashton: (gasps, covers Darcy's ears) Don't swear! Darcy can hear you. (coos as Darcy giggles) Isn't that right, sugar plum?

Louis: (sarcastic) Because hearing a single expletive from her Dada is totally going to affect her psychological development. (to Darcy) Looks like it's all downhill from here, Darce. (picks her up and tosses her in the air, gently) Might as well start saving for rehab and hospital bills.

Darcy: (giggles hysterically) Dada.

Luke: (smiling) She's cute.

Louis: (half-whisper) Don't tell her that. She'll fancy you. She already thinks she's gonna marry Fletcher. (motions to Ashton)

Ashton: (excitedly) That's because we are getting married! And everyone has to wear flower crowns at our wedding! (to Darcy, taking her from Louis) Right, Ducky?

Darcy: Ash-dun! (slaps Ashton's cheeks as he takes to the counter to be fed)

Ashton: (fakes extreme excitement) Darcy!

QOTD: What is the significance of nicknames?

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