20. ~ Gossip

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Time: 12:23 pm. Lunch break.
Setting: Starbucks Coffee.

Michael: So, I heard you were in a band.

Luke: (sips water) Where'd you hear that?

Michael: (snorts) We're pretty tight knit around here. So, rumors get tossed around real quick.

Luke: What have you heard about me then? Other than the fact that I was in a band.

Michael: (shrugs) You're tough, punched a guy out cold once. Loads of tattoos and piercings. Don't like many people. Bad drunk.

Luke: Huh. Seems about right. Though I'm not too sure about the whole 'punched a guy out cold' one. That was a pretty even brawl.

Michael: What? Did you get drunk and pick a fight?

Luke: (frowns) I was angry. And I was completely sober. It was stupid anyway.

Michael: Most fights are, I guess.

Luke: (pauses, slowly) So what are the rumors going on about that guy? (motions to Ashton who is sitting with Calum)

Michael: (looks over, raises eyebrow) Ashton? Well, I've only been here a year so I haven't heard too much about him. Just that he got dumped and had to take a leave of absence for an entire month.

Luke: (wide eyes) His boyfriend dumped him? Why?

Michael: (twists lips, amused) Boyfriend... (snorts) No, they were married. But it didn't work out. Ashton was quite a mess, I heard. He wasn't always the hyper, little flower boy that he is today.

Luke: (mumbles) So that's what he meant.

Michael: What?

Luke: Nothing. So, he's dating Calum, now?

Michael: (snickers) Hah. No. They're just good friends. Known each other since elementary, those two. (serious) Calum was the one who helped him get back on his feet after the split. Ashton couldn't look at anyone for days, locked himself away. He's doing better now, it seems. He's back to his old self.

Luke: They're seriously not dating? You're sure.

Michael: Absolutely. Calum has a girlfriend.

Luke: (obviously surprised) Oh.

Michael: Yup.

QOTD: So...thoughts on Ashton's marriage/divorce?

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