41. ~ Amend

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Time: 11:43 pm.
Setting: Duff Brewery.

Ashton: (spots Luke at the bar, sits next to him) How did you get in? You're only twenty.

Luke: (slurred) Fake ID.

Ashton: You're already nearly plastered.

Luke: (shakes head) Just tipsy.

Ashton: (sighs) What did you wanna talk about?

Luke: (blunt) You're straight.

Ashton: (surprised) Yes.

Luke: (choked laugh) You're straight and I didn't even notice. (throws back a shot) I feel like a fool.

Ashton: Why?

Luke: I thought you were gay. (throws back another shot, coughs) But you're not.

Ashton: Why does that matter?

Luke: (weak smirk) It doesn't. (shakes head, serious) So tell me about your problems. Gemma? You called me an 'asshole' and told me 'fuck you'. Now I know we've only been friends a few weeks but even I know that's not typical behavior of Ashton Irwin.

Ashton: I know...(looks down, glances at Luke, Luke lifts one eyebrow) Can we hug?

Luke: (chuckles) You're actually asking permission? I thought the normal protocol was you assaulting me without warning and then me throwing a fit after for nearly sending me into cardiac arrest.

Ashton: (sad) I could do with all the cuddling and without the life-threatening experiences. (quiet) I just need someone to hold me but Calum is with his girlfriend and-

Luke: (pulls Ashton in for a hug, Ashton's head resting on his shoulder) You don't have to explain, y'know? Breakups are hard. I get it. (Ashton starts sobbing, hands tightening on Luke's shirt) S'alright, koala bear. (pulls away after several moments, takes keys out of his pocket and hands them to Ashton) Think you can drive back? I'd rather not risk an accident and I'm kind of drunk off my ass.

Ashton: (sniffles, laughing) Where are we going?

Luke: My place. You need a cuddle and my bed is available. (sees Ashton's smirk) Don't even go there, flower child. You've been spending too much time with me and Michael. (flicks his nose) Your innocence has been tainted.

Ashton: Who ever said I was innocent? (winks, giggles) Shall we go? (pulls on Luke's hands)

Luke: (lets himself be pulled, mumbled) Kinda missed that annoying giggle of yours, to be honest.

QOTD: Why is Ashton so affected by Gemma's presence? Are the texts between Harry and Ashton starting to make sense?

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