140. ~ Perfection

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Mood: "On My Way" by Boyce Avenue


"I wasn't there the moment you first learned to breathe,

But I'm on my way, on my way

I wasn't there the moment you got off your knees,

But I'm on my way, on my way"

Time: 10:38 am.
Setting: Luke's Kitchen. Room 151.

Ashton: (walks into the kitchen, rubbing his eye, Luke's plaid long-sleeve on) Lukey? It smells like something's burning. (looks around, the kitchen is a mess, bowls and flour everywhere)

Luke: (putting the frosting on two half-burnt cupcakes) Hey. I'm trying, alright?

Ashton: (giggles, wraps his arms around Luke's waist, cute) What are you doing?

Luke: (pouts) Trying to bake you a cupcake. (holds up two cupcakes, one is more burnt than the other, frosting is messily spread out on both) I fucked up the first one but I think the second is edible. (holds the strawberry one out to Ashton) Here.

Ashton: (coos, giggles) Not too bad. For, y'know, someone who can barely boil water.

Luke: (chuckles) I think just the fact that I haven't burnt down the kitchen is a miracle.

Ashton: (looks at the cupcake, takes it) All this trouble for me?

Luke: (blushes) I remember when we first met, you tried to give me strawberry cupcakes and I said no.

Ashton: (fond) You hated strawberries. (pauses) And me.

Luke: I still hate strawberries but I love you. (stares down at his own cupcake) I just wanted to do something special.

Ashton: (smiles, happy) Thank you, Lukey. (takes a bite out of the cupcake, bites down on something hard, flinches, talking with food in his mouth) Okey, ouch. Lukey. You're supposed to make sure all the chunks are gone before you bake the damn thing.

Luke: I did!

Ashton: Then, what the hell is this? (pulls out the hard object in his mouth, looks down at the ring and gasps) Lukey, what the-

Luke: (interrupting him, blushing) It's not a wedding ring.

Ashton: (looks up at Luke with wide eyes, then back at the plain silver band in his hand) Then, what is it?

Luke: It's a promise ring. (gets a napkin to clean the ring before putting it back in Ashton's hand) It's my promise to be faithful to you and love you until I get a real wedding ring on your finger. (places his hand over Ashton's) And then I'll continue to love you and only you until my last breath leaves me.

Ashton: (teary, choked up) Lukey.

Lukey: It's not much. But, it's real. It's something to remind you every day that I love you, that you're the only one who makes me feel this way. You're the only one who looked at me and didn't see a freak or a troublemaker. (smiling) You bulldozed your way into my life without warning and I haven't regretted a day since. You're like sunshine, Ashton. Without you I'm cold, alone and empty. You lift me up and make me better. (lifts a hand to cup Ashton's cheek) We both spent a long part of our lives feeling sad and alone. We both thought we'd never be happy again. (tearing up slightly) But, now, we'll never be alone ever again. You're not just my boyfriend, Ashton, you're my soulmate. This life or the next, I'll never stop loving you.

Ashton: (throws his arms around Luke, crying happily, shaking) I love you, Lukey. (pulls back slightly to kiss Luke hard, pulling away only when his lungs start to ache) I love you. I'll say it every day. I'll never stop saying because I could never stop loving you. You're everything, Lukey. You're my world. You understand me and love me, even with all the ugly parts. I'm so happy to have found you. I'm so lucky to have you. (puts the ring on his left ring finger) I'm yours forever. I'll never forget it. I love you so much, Lukey. (kisses Luke again, softer this time) Thank you, baby. Thank you for everything. I love you.

Luke: (incredibly happy) I love you, too, koala. Forever.

"I'll be there the moment

You come out in white

Cause I'm on my way, on my way"


Note: I teared up writing this! Oh my god, I love this story so much! *wipes tears* It's not over yet! Epilogue! Omg.

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