123. ~ Include

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Time: 5:42 pm.

Setting: Room 92C. Florida Orlando Hospital.

Luke: (walks in, nearly gets knocked back with how tightly Ashton hugs him) Koala?

Ashton: (pouting, worried) You said twenty minutes. It's been longer.

Luke: (hugs Ashton back) I'm sorry, love. Was talking to my brother.

Ashton: (pulls back, shocked) You were? Which one? What did he say?

Luke: Ben. The oldest one. He said he wants to visit.

Ashton: Here? He wants to come here?

Luke: Yeah. I can't exactly request anymore vacation time. And he says his wife and their kids deserve a family trip.

Louis: (comes to stand beside Ashton) Family trip?

Luke: My brother is coming.

Louis: (protective) You alright with that?

Luke: (unsure) Can't completely say that I'm fine with it but it needs to happen. I-I miss Ben and I want to see my niece and my nephew.

Louis: As long as you're fine with it. I don't want you getting hurt or anything.

Luke: (surprised) What?

Louis: Luke, you've been with us for nearly a year. (teasing) Plus, you're dating my son. (Ashton blushes) You're family to us and families watch out for each other. (easy smile) We're here if you need us.

Luke: (shocked, choked) Um. Thanks.

Louis: (laughs) Don't start getting all mushy on me.

Luke: (rolls his eyes) I wouldn't dream of it.

QOTD: How do you expect Ben's visit to go?

Note: Double update for my loveys. Might triple cuz it's hard to update over the weekend.

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