70. ~ Enflame

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Note: BOOM. Triple update. I'm on fire. *happy dance*


Time: 11:08 pm.

Setting: PULSE Club.

Alex: (eyes cast down, grinding on Luke to the music) How did this happen? We're here to hook you up with someone. Someone being not me.

Luke: (scoffs) Like your plan wasn't to try and make Ashton jealous. (in Alex's ear) It wouldn't work, you know? He doesn't like me that way.

Alex: And you think I'm blind. Boy would crawl on all fours and beg, if you asked.

Luke: Still. How is this (motions between the two of them) helping either of us?

Alex: (turns to face Luke, still dancing) I get to dance. You get to make your boy toy jelly.

Luke: (looks towards bar, eyes darken) Looks like your boy toy has other plans.

Alex: (follows Luke's gaze, sees Jack dancing with Ashton, shocked) What? (hands clench, heartbroken) What? Why...why would he?

Luke: (dark, jealous) I don't know why. But he's one more grind away from losing his manhood.

Alex: (infuriated) Oh, hell no. (starts stomping towards the pair) Not on my watch. Hey! (pulls Jack and Ashton apart, Jack is flushed, Ashton just looks uncomfortable) What the fuck, dude?

Jack: (half-drunk, angry) Fuck off. You get to dance with blondie, over there. (motions to Luke) Why can't I dance with this guy? (points at Ashton)

Alex: B-because...(trails off, speechless) I-I...

Jack: (expectant) What, Alex? You what?

Alex: (angry) Goddamnit, you're ruining everything!

Jack: I'm ruining everything? You're the one parading yourself around like a slut! You can get some but I can't?

Alex: I'm not a slut, you self-centered bitch!

Jack: (points at Luke, shouting) You slept with him! You fucked him and you didn't tell me!

Alex: Like you weren't just fucking some red-haired bimbo two nights ago. (jabs a finger against Jack's chest, crying) You rejected me!

Jack: (near tears) That still doesn't give you the right!

Alex: It gives me every right!

Luke: (fed up, grabs them both by their collars) Would the two of you just shut the fuck up and kiss already? (glaring) It's so fucking annoying seeing the two of you yell at each other about all this shit when it's so fucking obvious you want each other. (to Jack) I don't give a fuck if you're straight. (to Alex) I don't give a fuck if we fucked. (to both of them) You're acting like a couple of fucking kids. Man the fuck up and just fucking fuck! (lets them both go, turns to Ashton) And you!

Ashton: (squeaks, eyes wide) Me?

Luke: (eyes soften) I'm taking you somewhere else. You don't look too comfortable here.

Ashton: (glances at two girls making out frantically against the wall, shakes his head, runs forward and buries himself in Luke's chest) Me no like.

Luke: (chuckles, hugging him) Let's go. This techno shit is annoying as fuck. (looks behind them to see Jack and Alex talking intently, holding hands, smiles) Took those idiots long enough.

Note: I never intended Jalex to become such a big part of this story but I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. Yay!

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