28. ~ Rift

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Time: 12:58 pm. End of Lunch Break
Setting: Starbucks Coffee.

Ashton: (quiet, fidgeting with his fingers, looks up at Luke who is staring at his coffee) Uh...Luke?

Luke: (glances at him, curious, dazed) Yes?

Ashton: (coos at Luke's lost look, stops himself, embarrassed. Luke doesn't seem to notice) Wanna come over for dinner? Tonight? At mine?

Luke: (bites lip, thoughtful) Why?

Ashton: (confused, unsure) Because that's what friends do?

Luke: (smirks) Is that what we are?

Ashton: (without hesitation) Of course. What else would we be?

Luke: (surprised) You are...uncommonly trusting...You don't even know me. I could be a serial killer for all you know.

Ashton: (smiles) I'll just have to take that risk then, won't I?

Luke: (laughs, playful) Naive child, you are.

Ashton: (feigning annoyance) Hey, I'm older than you! Remember that!

Luke: (smiles playfully, changing subject) Will you be cooking? Because I think we both know I might very well burn down the kitchen if I try to make anything other than noodles or coffee.

Ashton: (chuckles) I'll cook. You can just sit and look pretty.

Luke: (scoffs) I'm not pretty, I'm punk rock.

Ashton: (coos loudly, reaching over to pinch Luke's cheek) But you're so cute!

Luke: (glares) Don't let me punch you and show you how 'cute' I can be.

Ashton: (laughs, unfazed) Violence does not suit such a pretty face, Mr. Grumpy Pants.

Luke: (blinks) I swear, you're five.

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