78. ~ False

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Note: It's 3 am and my stomach still hasn't decided whether it wants me to puke or explode. A.k.a. I'm sick and this is my distraction. *cries in the corner cuz tummy aches*


Time: 6:32 pm.
Setting: Luke's Room. Room 343.

Troye: He likes you, y'know?

Luke: (scoffs, pulling on sweater) We are friends.

Troye: (raises eyebrow) Friends? You sleep in the same bed. He makes you coffee. I know this. He told me.

Luke: And so? There's no set of rules when it comes to best friends.

Troye: There is. It's called the Friendship Handbook. Rule Number One: If he gives you a boner, it's not platonic.

Luke: (choked) How do you know I've gotten a boner over him?

Troye: (smirks) I wasn't necessarily referring to you, Lucy.

Luke: You and that godforsaken nickname.

Troye: (teasing) Lucifer - my fallen angel.

Luke: I will bury you.

Troye: I prefer cremation. I'd rather my body not be left to rot with the worms.

Luke: (pauses) Ashton said you came here crying. What was that about?

Troye: (sits on bed, crosses legs) Oh, that. I don't know. Didn't think I'd see such a beautiful piece of man in my ex-fiance's hotel room. Baby Troye just came out.

Luke: He tends to do that.

Troye: (sassy) Do you want Bitch Troye on your ass, right now?

Luke: Not really, no.

Troye: (sly) Let me guess. You'd rather have that Irwin kid on your ass.

Luke: (serious) I'd rather be on his arse. But he's straight. Ex-wife and everything.

Troye: (clicks tongue) Have I taught you nothing, Lucifer?

Luke: Just because you're the master of converting straight men doesn't mean that I bothered to take notes. (after a pause) Besides, it doesn't work on everyone.

Troye: (smirks) Worked on you.

QOTD: How would you describe Luke and Troye's attitudes towards each other?

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