93. ~ Counsel

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Note: I was thinking that some time towards the end of this book, I'm going to do a sort of spinoff but with Malum. Plot line will be different and setting will be different, as well, but same writing style. Thoughts?


Time: 1:25 am.
Setting: Parking Lot, the groove.

Ashton: (pulls hands away from his face) I'm sorry for ruining your night.

Jack: (gentle) Hey, don't think of it like that. If anything, we were already heading out. Calum was about to look for you, anyway.

Ashton: I should've just ignored that arsehole. (sighs) God.

Jack: (shrugs) You did the right thing, in my eyes. Defending what you believe is right. It's a quality not many people have and those that do tend to defend the wrong things.

Ashton: I'm not normally this nuts when I drink. Usually, I flirt with a girl then Calum has to drag me home before I bring a stranger into my room and she takes all my shit.

Jack: (laughing) Yeah, he's a protective bigot, isn't he? (quiets, serious) Tell me, Ashton. What's going on between you and Luke?

Ashton: Hasn't Alex already told you?

Jack: Yes. But Lex tends to blow things a little out of proportion. I'd like to hear your side. I'm a bit more understanding than my boyfriend.

Ashton: What's there to say? Luke told me he liked me, I told him I didn't feel the same. Boom. He's in Australia.

Jack: (nudges him) C'mon. There has to be more to it. What did you say exactly?

Ashton: (throat constricts, swallows) I told him to take it back. I told him I couldn't be with him that way. I told him that we should just be friends.

Jack: Ah. (knowingly) But, you don't really want that, do you?

Ashton: (sputtering) What? Of course I do. I'm not like him. Y'know...

Jack: Gay? (Ashton nods) Alright. So you're not gay. But you love Luke, yes?

Ashton: (quiet for a long moment, nods) Yeah. But...

Jack: But what? You love him. Be with him.

Ashton: But he left.

Jack: (smiling, pats Ashton's shoulder) He'll be back.

Ashton: He said he might not.

Jack: (rolls eyes) Yeah but he's not a fool. Besides...(grins) He loves you way too much to stay away. And I don't think you'd let him, anyway. You two are like me and Alex. (chuckles) Bitch can run but he can't hide.

Ashton: I suck at hide-and-go-seek. (Jack just smiles, quietly) What made you decide to finally go out with Alex? I mean, don't you like girls?

Jack: (nods, kindly) Yes. I enjoyed being with girls. But...I love Alex more than I could ever love any girl.

Ashton: (surprised) Really?

Jack: (nods) And Ashton, it took me a long while to realize that so don't think that this is all going to be easy. (serious) It took me years to understand that I loved him as more than just a friend. This is not something you can rush. (smiles) But, God knows I'm grateful that I didn't realize it too late because he's so good to me. I know Luke would do the same for you. (laughs) He may look like a hard-ass but he turns to mush every time you enter the room. (quiets, low) It's hard to find someone who thinks the world of you, Ashton. You shouldn't let him slip away that easily.

Ashton: I don't want to.

Jack: Then don't.

Ashton: (small) I'm afraid.

Jack: (smiles) Then find your courage.

QOTD: How will Ashton take Jack's advice?

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