83. ~ Apathy

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Note: Totally didn't see that No Control reference in the previous chapter. I guess I'm just subconsciously No Control AF.

Guys! PMFC just rose up to #776! I'm so happy, I'm drowning in feelings. *snuggles fluffy blanket*

Seriously considering making today a triple update today. I don't know, we'll see how it goes. :3


Time: 8:32 pm.

Setting: Ashton's Living Room. Room 151.

Troye: (sitting on couch) I'm kind of surprised to be here, honestly.

Ashton: (from kitchen) Why?

Troye: Thought I'd be your arch nemesis. (grins) Thought Luke would tell you stay away from me.

Ashton: (frowns) He's not my keeper. (pauses) Does it seem that way?

Troye: (hums in agreement, staring at pictures on the wall) You certainly have a lot of friends. (joking) Why'd you choose Luke?

Ashton: (walking in from the kitchen, tea in hand, sighs) Luke is a sweetie underneath all the tattoos and piercings.

Troye: (takes tea) Thanks. (sips) Believe me, I know. He used to have the cutest fringe and bony shoulders. He was such a twink. (sighs) Then he grew into that giant, muscled frame of his. Makes me feel like a midget.

Ashton: (sad giggle, forced) Yeah. He doesn't look as tall as he is. And I'm pretty tall myself.

Troye: I like your giggle. It's cute.

Ashton: (blushing) Luke used to call it annoying.

Troye: (snorts) That's my- (winces) er, Lucy, thinks everything's a nuisance until you convince him otherwise.

Ashton: (quietly, twiddling his fingers) What kind of boyfriend was he? I mean, was he that bad that you cheated on him? (covers mouth when he realizes what he just said, eyes widen) I'm so sorry.

Troye: (warmly, not offended) Luke was the biggest sweetheart I'd ever seen. Never failed to take me on dates, even if we couldn't afford it. Always put me first. My dreams, my needs. (serious, puts tea on coffee table) He's the best man anyone could ever have. (sadly) He didn't deserve someone like me. (hugs himself) He didn't deserve someone who didn't love him back as much.

Ashton: (surprised, unsure) I...I'm sorry.

Troye: (snaps out of it, smiles brightly) Don't be. He has you, doesn't he? You care about him so much. (chuckles) I'm actually happy - knowing he's moved on.

Ashton: We're just friends. I can't... (weak) I'm straight.

Troye: (scoffs, rolls eyes) 'Straight'. That's just a word. A stupid label men slap on themselves to give themselves excuses, give themselves reasons why they can't be with another man. (scowls) It's ridiculous. Whether you give dick or take it shouldn't matter. It's whether or not you'll treat a man or woman with the love and respect they deserve.

Ashton: (sad, weak) Believe me, I don't deserve Luke.

Troye: (fierce, reaches forward to grip Ashton's wrists tightly) I didn't say you did. No one deserves someone like Luke but goddamnit if he's going to end up with someone, it might as well be you! (glaring) Maybe I messed up but that doesn't mean he has to end up miserable for the rest of his life.

Ashton: Let go! (angry, pulls his hands to his chest) Let go! (screechy, freaking out) I'm straight!

Troye: (just as loud, fed up) Don't give me that bullshit! Stop acting like he doesn't turn you on, that he doesn't make your heart beat a million miles a minute, that he doesn't make you breathless every time he laughs! I see it! I've only been here three days and I fucking see it! (standing, walks to the door, not yelling but still loud) You can hide under your whole 'I'm straight, no homo' persona but, at the end of the day, you want him. You want everything from his kiss to his mouth on your dick. And he wants nothing but the same thing! (stops, thoughtful, low but Ashton can hear) And if you keep playing with his feelings, keep denying yours...(glaring, seriously warning) I'll fuck him till it's out of his system. (slams door, Ashton sobs)

QOTD: Why is Troye reacting so strongly? What's the end game?

Note: I honestly might just update two more chapters. Thoughts?

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