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Note: This is it! The end! Thank you to everyone who's stayed and read til the end! I love you all so much!

Daisy and Fletcher in the media, along with Lashton as parents cuz why the f**k not?


10 Years Later...

Time: 12:30 am.
Setting: Luke and Ashton's Bedroom. Hemmings Residence.

Luke: (nuzzling into Ashton's shoulder, TV noise in the background) Koala, your son is up.

Ashton: (sleepily) Go get him.

Luke: (groaning) He's gonna mess up the living room again.

Ashton: He gets that from you.

Luke: (eyes still closed, scoffs) Excuse you. I'm not as horrible as before.

Ashton: (peaks one eye open) Still can't cook to save your life.

Luke: You still love me.

Ashton: (giggles) Yeah, I do.

Daisy: (waddles into the room, blankie in on hand, rubbing at her eye) Ashy? Papa?

Luke: (sits up, eyes blinking opening, smiles at his six-year-old daughter) Hey, Des. (holds his arms out, picks Daisy up and lays her on the bed between him and Ashton) What's my little flower doing up so early?

Daisy: (sleepily) Fletcha' is watchin' TV and it woke me up. (nuzzles into Luke's chest) Can I sleep here, Papa?

Luke: (kisses Daisy's forehead, endearingly) Of course, Des.

Ashton: (turns to his other side to face Daisy, pulls her close) Come snuggle with Ashy, flower. (smiles as Daisy turns to cuddle Ashton)

Luke: (fond) She'll never call you 'Dad', honestly.

Ashton: (rolls his eyes) I like 'Ashy'. Besides, she's my daughter. She could call me 'bubba' and I'd still be happy.

Luke: (chuckles, leans down to kiss Ashton's cheek) I'll go get our son. That child needs to stop sleeping so damn late. He's four. (Ashton chuckles, Luke leaves the bedroom, enters the living room, Fletcher is sitting on the living room floor, hugging his toy stuffed koala, eyes droopy, toys everywhere, Luke sighs) Fletcher, baby, it's way past bed time.

Fletcher: (pouts) No, Papa. I'm not sleepy. (eyes blink in exhaustion)

Luke: (laughs, bends down to pick Fletcher up, carries him to the bedroom) Come. You can sleep with Papa, Daddy and Des tonight.

Fletcher: (hums) Can Daddy make cookies tomorrow?

Luke: Of course, bub. It's Luca's birthday, anyway. You'll get to see your cousins and Uncle Mikey and Uncle Calum's kids. Uncle Harry and Uncle Louis and Aunt Aleisha and everyone.

Fletcher: (tired) I wanna play hide and seek with Emjay and Carly. Will Uncle Mikey and Uncle Calum let them?

Luke: (lays Fletcher down next to Daisy, pulls the blanket over all four of them) I'm sure they will, Fletch. Get some sleep, bub. If you wanna play tomorrow, you need to get rested up.

Fletcher: Sing, Papa?

Ashton: (pops his head up from the pillow, tired but amused) Yeah, Papa. Sing.

Luke: (to Ashton, without malice) You're annoying. (Ashton giggles, Luke softens) But, I love you.

Ashton: (reaches one hand over their children to hold Luke's hand under the covers, sleepy) I love you, too. (playful) Now, sing, Lukey.

Fletcher: (about to fall asleep) Please, Papa.

Luke: (smiles, squeezes Ashton's hand, stares at Ashton, sings softly) "I need your love to light up this house, I wanna know what you're all about, I wanna feel you, feel you tonight, I wanna tell you that it's alright..."


Note: It's over. It's finally over. This is it! The end! I will upload the deleted scenes and bonus scenes in a little bit. In the meantime, thank you to everyone who's stuck by me with this story!

Special shouts to @deborafrancisco, @deludedbullshippers5, @hairyosborn, @hitmypuberty, @rockerflowers, @KekeFraiser and to all those who have been with this story since the beginning! Bye, for now, loveys! *peace sign*

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