56. ~ Throw

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Note: 5SOS wore KILTS!! I'm dying!!!

On a separate note, I'm hopped up on root beer and chocolate cake! Comment "babehs" if you want today to be a triple update day!


Time: 12:05 pm. Two days later.
Setting: PHONE CALL.

Calum: I'm sorry I couldn't be there, babe. I should've stayed in Florida.

Ashton: (smiles) It's okey, Cal. I'm okey.

Calum: I'm surprised you didn't call me sooner.

Ashton: (embarrassed) I kinda threw my phone at the floor and ran when Gemma came. I forgot to grab it before I left.

Calum: (scolding) Ashton, that was very dangerous. (softer) What if something had happened to you?

Ashton: I'm sorry, Cal. (happier) I was with Lukey, though!

Calum: (confused) Luke? Hemmings?

Ashton: (popping the p) Yep. He's a sweetie.

Calum: Did he do anything to you? Are you sure you're alright?

Ashton: (soft) I'm good, Cal. No need to worry. (smiling) He was nice. He gave me cuddles and held me when I cried.

Calum: (disbelief) Luke. As in, blonde hair, blue eyes, could've been a male model without all the tattoos and pokey metals in his body?

Ashton: (huffs) Yes. That Luke.

Calum: (surprised) Wow. Really? Damn. Not exactly the arsehole from the wrong side of the tracks that he looks like, does he?

Ashton: (slightly annoyed) Stop assuming things like that. Just because he has tattoos and piercings doesn't mean he's a drug addict that kills people for money.

Calum: (matter-of-fact) We do random drug tests, Ashy. I know this. (apologetic) It's just...knowing his reputation...(pauses, thoughtful) No. You're right. I shouldn't have assumed without knowing the facts.

Ashton: Lukey is nice. Mostly. (pouty) He makes me cook for him. (annoyed) But he still hates strawberries. Weirdo.

Calum: (laughs) As long as he's taking care of you, yeah?

Ashton: (giggles) You act like he's my boyfriend.

Calum: At this point, I have no idea what's going on, really.

Note: Same, Calum. Same.

QOTD: What is your new perspective on Calum and Ashton's relationship? What obstacles in their friendship do you see/pick up on?

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