120. ~ Breach

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Note: We're at 120 chapters already. Lawd.

Me: *stares at picture in the media* Satan, find your chill.


Time: 4:38 pm.

Setting: Room 92C. Florida Orlando Hospital.

Ashton: (cooing at the baby in Gemma's arms) You're so cute! Baby AJ! (laughs) Hey, Niall! He's a blondie!

Niall: (sighs in relief) I know. Thank God.

Gemma: (faking annoyance) So you would've been upset if he had been a brunette?

Niall: (chuckles) Of course not. (gently kisses Gemma, then baby Ashton) He's a beauty.

Ashton: (bouncing slightly) Can I hold him? (Gemma carefully hands AJ over, Ashton coos) Hello, AJ! He's so pretty. What color do you think his eyes will be?

Niall: Hopefully blue or green. I'm thinking blue since he seems to have the more Irish looks to him.

Ashton: (glancing at Luke) He's so cute, Lukey. Look.

Luke: (leans down, smiles) You guys did a good job. He's a beautiful child.

Ashton: Do you wanna hold him?

Luke: (takes a step back, nervous) Um. No, it's alright. I might drop him or something. (embarrassed) I've never held a baby.

Ashton: (beaming) Here! I'll teach you! Sit down, you beanstalk! (Luke does as Ashton instructs as Ashton hands him the baby) Hold him carefully. Make sure to support his neck and back. Don't hold too tightly but keep your grip firm enough. He's fragile, so don't jostle him too much, okey? (smiles when Luke manages to hold the baby properly)

Luke: (awed) He's so small.

Niall: (laughs) He'll grow up real quick. Don't worry. Hopefully he'll be tall like Greg or something. (watches as Luke continues to stare in wonder at AJ) You've seriously never held a child?

Luke: (shakes head) I'm the youngest, so I've never had to. And, I've never met my brother's daughter, so...(shakes head, slowly hands the baby to Ashton, stands, sniffling slightly) Um. I'll be right back.

Ashton: (confused) Where are you going?

Luke: For a walk. (kisses Ashton on the forehead, exits)

Niall: (to Ashton) What's wrong with him?

Ashton: (concerned) I don't know. (looks down at AJ, wistfully) I should check on him, shouldn't I?

Niall: (rolls his eyes, taking Ashton from him) That is what good boyfriends do, isn't it?

QOTD: Why is Luke so emotional, all of a sudden?

Note: Wait a second, my loveys! Second update coming right up!

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