65. ~ Endure

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Note: My chapters are getting progressively longer; I can feel it. *sigh* And I feel like there hasn't been enough drama...or is that just me? Well, we do have 50+ chapters to go and Luke's side is coming up soon. Hm. *goes to meditate or some shit like that*

On another note, I'm updating cuz JeddieJay's most recent update on Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince makes me wanna get into the fetal position and cry. It also has the unfortunate affect of me thinking I wanna torture you with highly unnecessary drama. *grins evilly*


Time: 6:31 pm.
Setting: Ashton's Room. Room 151.

Calum: (gets up to leave) I gotta go, babe. Date night with the missus.

Ashton: (follows him to the door) Do you think I should check Luke? I should apologize.

Calum: Maybe. But, then again, he has some sorries to tell you, as well. (opens door, sees Luke standing with hand about to ring doorbell, flowers in one hand) Speaking of the devil.

Ashton: (peeks behind Calum, surprised) Lukey?

Luke: (blushing, hides flowers behind his back) Um. Hi.

Calum: Looks like that's my cue to leave. (turns, kisses Ashton on the cheek) Bye, Ashy. (looks pointedly at Luke) Fuck up and I will pierce your balls with my fist.

Luke: (unfazed) Sorry, but I'm not into that freaky shit. Try piercemyballs.net. Maybe they're hiring.

Ashton: (sighs, to Calum) I'll see you later. It's fine. (smiles to Luke, cautious) Wanna come in?

Luke: (nods, glaring as Calum walks away, enters, nervously) I-I came to apologize. (holds out flowers) I didn't know what you liked but these are all I could find on such short notice.

Ashton: (takes flowers, smiles, smells them) I like lilies. Thank you.

Luke: (nods, quirks lips, takes in a deep breath) Ashton, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry.

Ashton: (shakes head, puts flowers on table, turns to Luke) That wasn't your fault. No matter what Calum told you, don't think I blame you for a second. The fault is mine.

Luke: (fierce) No, I should be more considerate. You're dealing with a lot. I should have been nicer.

Ashton: (giggles weakly) We both know you don't do very well with nice, Lukey. (sees Luke's discouraged expression, sighs) It's not your fault. (pauses, forces out) I-I forgot to take my medication.

Luke: (eyebrows furrow, steps closer, worried) Medication? Are you sick? Koala, are you okay? What's wrong?

Ashton: (takes Luke's hands in his) Nothing too bad. Not like cancer or that kind of thing. (quiets, obviously warring with himself)

Luke: (squeezes Ashton's hands, tries to smile) You don't have to tell me, Ashton. Only when you're ready.

Ashton: (blurts) I have Bipolar Disorder. (continues before Luke can speak) I forgot my pills today and I got really mean. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to act like that but I couldn't control it. Calum gave me my pills but I'm so sorry, Lukey. (sniffles) I'm sorry. I try to keep it in check but today was just...(stops as Luke pulls him in for a hug, shocked) Luke...

Luke: (gentle) It's okay, koala. (runs a hand through Ashton's hair) We're okay.

Ashton: (voice cracks, crying) But I'm a freak.

Luke: (shushes him) You're not. You're not a freak, koala. You just have something most people don't.

Ashton: (choked up, trying to joke) You sound like Calum.

Luke: (grimaces) Don't ever say that again. (pulls away slightly, looks down at Ashton, touches his cheek lightly, serious) Ashton. Don't think I'll ever hate you for something you can't control. Tell me and I'll do my best to understand, yeah?

Ashton: (crying, wipes tears, touched) O-okey.

Luke: (holds Ashton's face in his hands) I'll always be here for you, koala. You can't chase me away, got that? (Ashton nods with a smile, Luke slowly starts to lean in, catches himself, coughs to cover it up) Superhero movies and snacks? Your pick.

Ashton: (smiles, holds Luke's wrists, keeps his hands pressed to his face) The Avengers?

Luke: (scoffs, joking, fond) You and Marvel.

Ashton: Beats DC any day.

Luke: (completely serious) I hope you know Batman will never forgive you for that one.

@1d_4_ever123 called it, first. Good job, boo. *thumbs up, hugs you till you get the restraining order out*

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