19. ~ Guise

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Aetirnel, my sleeping pattern has been way off. I just woke up - it is 1 am - and I have updated this chapter just for you. To those who haven't read the story he's working on now, Senior Year, I highly recommend it. Go read it.


Time: 12:34 am.
Setting: Outside Ashton's room. Room 151.

Ashton: You didn't have to walk me home. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

Luke: (shrugs) I wanted to. I can't have you accidentally following something shiny then falling through a window or something. And guess who would be the prime suspect? (points to self) Spoiler alert. It's me.

Ashton: (fakes gasp) I did not see that coming.

Luke: (rolls eyes) Whatever, flower power. Just go inside so I can get what little sleep I can. I have to open up shop. My shift is at six.

Ashton: Why didn't you tell me? I would have left sooner.

Luke: (shrugs) Felt nice to have company.

Ashton: (smiles) You know...you try to pull off this 'bad boy punk rock' image but deep, deep down you're a fluffy marshmallow.

Luke: Shh. Don't let anyone hear that. (winks, fakes accent) I have a rep to protect, okay Shakespeare?

Ashton: (beams) I love Grease 2. It's not as good as the first but I still find it quite enjoyable.

Luke: (yawns) We should watch it sometime. (stretches, pops neck bones)

Ashton: (makes a face) Alright, sleepyhead. Go, go. Shoo. You sleep now.

Luke: (smirks) Thanks for the permission, mum.

Ashton: You're welcome, my child. Now, go. Sleep. (pulls Luke into hug) Sweet dreams.

Luke: (hesitantly hugs back, awkward) Um. Yeah. You, too.

Ashton: (pulls away, opens door) Bye, Luke! Don't fall out a window on your way back.

Luke: (snorts) Plot twist. You fall out your own window on your way to bed.

Ashton: (fakes gasp) Did not see that one coming.

QOTD: Are Luke and Ashton friends now? Or just acquaintances?

Turns out Aetirnel just woke up, as well. 😂😂

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