118. ~ Brawl

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Time: 9:21 am.

Setting: Freeway.

Ashton: (driving, hysterical) One time! I leave you alone with her one time, Luke, and you send her into labor!

Luke: (yelling from the back, holding Gemma's hand while Niall holds the other) It's not my fucking fault, you jackarse! She was all calm and shit and then she just started breathing funny!

Ashton: Stress can induce labor!

Luke: It's her wedding day! Of course, she's stressed!

Gemma: Will the two of you can it! (pained groan) God, how much faster til we get to the hospital?

Ashton: I'm pushing eighty. Less than twenty.

Niall: (freaking out) Slow the fuck down! You're going to kill us all!

Gemma: (snapping) Shut up! You're not the one about to push a watermelon out your vagina!

Niall: (sarcastic) Maybe because I don't have a vagina. (Gemma glares at him, apologetic) Sorry, just breathe, baby.

Luke: (exasperated) See this is why I'm gay.

Gemma: (bitchy) No one gives a damn about your sexual orientation, Hemmings.

Luke: (snappy) I should've left you to give birth in that damn dressing room.

Ashton: (snapping) Can everyone just be quiet?! (everyone quiets down) Thank you! I'd like to make it to the hospital without crushing us into a forty-foot truck container, thank you very much!

Niall: (nodding, rubbing Gemma's back) He's right. It's not good for the baby.

Ashton: (calmer) Did anyone talk to Harry or Louis?

Luke: (more composed) I told Harry what happened. They're letting the guests know what's going on.

Ashton: (to Niall) Baby bag? Clothes?

Niall: Lou is bringing it. And we have some blankets and a few pairs of clothes in the trunk.

Ashton: (breathing steady) Okay. Good.

Gemma: (cries out at another contraction) Niall! Ashton, it's hurting!

Ashton: (switches lanes) It's alright, Gem. We'll be there soon.

Luke: (weak chuckle) You might wanna step on it before I puke.

Ashton: (honks horn, yelling) Move it, people! We have a baby on the way!

QOTD: How does Ashton's personality change when faced with the responsibility of a baby being born? Are we seeing the same Ashton that we've seen throughout the story or are we seeing a more responsible, more mature one?

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