8. ~ Doobie

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Time: 3:10 pm. Smoke break.
Setting: Behind Leaky Cauldron.

Louis: (spots Luke, walks up to him slowly) Hey, mate. Mind if I bum a fag?

Luke: (clearly confused, pulls cigarette away from mouth) Excuse me?

Louis: A cigarette. Mind if I bum one off of you?

Luke: Oh. Yeah, fine. (pulls out cigarette pack, takes one and hands it to Louis) Need a lighter? (hands him one when Louis nods)

Louis: Thanks, mate. Forgot my pack back at home. (takes a drag, sighs in relief) Cheers.

Luke: (nods, silently smokes)

Louis: You're new here, right? One of those new servers?

Luke: Server...slash cashier at Starbucks. Occasionally, I do paperwork for the boss.

Louis: Sick...just don't let Simon overwork you, yeah?

Luke: (shrugs) Could always use the money.

Louis: I hear ya, er...I didn't catch your name.

Luke: Luke. Hemmings.

Louis: Louis. Tomlinson. Please refrain from calling me 'Lou', though. Hubby gets iffy about that kind of stuff.

Luke: You're married?

Louis: Yep.

Luke: To a man?

Louis: Yep. (pauses) Does that bother you?

Luke: (shakes head) Just haven't seen many married people round here. Other than the guests, of course.

Louis: They usually leave when they do but I enjoy it here. Besides, pay gets better once you work here long enough.

Luke: Married legally?

Louis: Haz and I got married once they legalized it in New York. That was five years ago. (fond) Still feels like yesterday.

Luke: (shocked) Five years? How old are you exactly?

Louis: Ehmygawd, Luke. You can't just ask people how old they are. (flips imaginary hair, laughs at Luke's amused expression) Twenty-five. You?

Luke: Twenty. I'm thoroughly impressed. Most couples don't even last that long.

Louis: Enough about me. How bout you? Any lucky lady or laddy?

Luke: (shakes his head) Like I said, most couples don't last that long.

QOTD: What signs help you infer about how Luke feels about relationships?

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