43. ~ Aspirin

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Note: Dedicated to Aetirnel because he's been waiting this chapter since the Middle Ages.

Picture Luke shows Ashton in media.


Time: 9:30 am.
Setting: Luke's room. Room 343.

Luke: (wakes up, bed empty, looks around for Ashton) Ashton! (no response, visibly deflates, dejected) He's probably telling Calum all about last night. (gets up, pulls off shirt, boxers on) Fuck, I've got the biggest headache. (grips head) And I told myself I wouldn't drink anymore. (sighs, walks towards the doorway)

Ashton: (pops out into the doorway, shouting) Lucifer!

Luke: Mutherfu-(launches fist straightforward, loud WHACK) Shit, what the- Ashton?

Ashton: (stumbles back, howling) Holy shit! Lukey! Ow! Ow! Ow! (holds face) You broke my nose! (wails) You broke me fucking nose! Holy fucking shit! (screams) That fucking hurt!

Luke: (rushes forward, apologetic) Shit, Ashton. I'm sorry! I thought you were a burglar! (frantic) I thought you left! I didn't know you were still here! (Ashton hisses) I'm sorry! Let me go get ice.

Ashton: (moans) My nose.

Luke: (leads Ashton to the kitchen, sits him down on a stool) Hold on, let me get you some ice. (grabs several napkins, runs to freezer and fills napkins with ice cubes) Shit. (turns to Ashton, holds ice up gingerly) Let me see.

Ashton: (snappy) You hit me.

Luke: (pulls Ashton's hands away from his face) You scared me. And I already apologized. (examines nose) It doesn't look too bad. Just some bruising maybe. No fractures or breaks.

Ashton: (pouts) How do you know? You're not a nurse. (hisses as Luke puts ice on his nose)

Luke: (quiet) I've dealt with enough broken noses and nose bleeds to know a break from a bruise.

Ashton: (blinks, bites lip) What do you mean?

Luke: (sighs) In high school, I was this tall, gangly, badass-looking mofo. No one ever messed with me, even after I came out. But Troye...(trails off, sad)

Ashton: (places hand on Luke's shoulder, comforting)

Luke: (shakes head, clears throat) Troye was tiny, skinny. Couldn't fight to save his life. He was pretty, too. (looks at Ashton, voice soft) So pretty, you could throw a wig on 'im and he'd pass for a girl. (looks away, frowns) Would you like to see a picture?

Ashton: Sure. (takes ice pack in his hand)

Luke: (runs to his room, finds his phone on the bed, runs back) Um. (looks through his phone for a bit, hands phone to Ashton)

Ashton: (looks at picture, smiles) He's very pretty. (hands phone back)

Luke: (nods, taking phone back) High school was hell for him. People picked on him, beat him up. (angry) Even when I defended him, bullies still came. That's why we ran. (pulls at lip ring with one hand)

Ashton: He couldn't handle it, could he?

Luke: (shakes head) I ran away with him to protect him. Guess he wasn't the only one who need protecting.

Ashton: (pulls ice pack off, pulls Luke in for a hug) S'kay, darling. We don't have to talk about it.

Luke: (nuzzles Ashton's neck) Mm

QOTD: Troye Sivan?

AOTD: Yes, Troye Sivan.

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