3. ~ Dear

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Time: 6:37 pm
Setting: Ashton's kitchen. Room 151.

Ashton: (singing loudly) I've been working on the railroad! All the live long day! I've been working on the railroad! Just to pass the time away! Can't you hear the...(mumbles most of it)...Captain shouting, "Dina, blow your horn!"

Louis: I'm about eighty-seven percent positive that you missed, at least, three complete parts of that song.

Ashton: (pouts) But was that good, Lou? How'd I do?

Louis: Learn the words and you'll get better feedback. I can't comment on half-assed vocal performances before seven.

Ashton: (giggles) You're such a dork.

Louis: What does that make you, then?

Ashton: The friend of a dork! I'm completely normal!

Louis: Mhm. (glances at flower crown) Is that a new crown? Colors look different.

Ashton: Yep! I made it with carnations and baby's breath! Today feels like a quiet day.

Louis: 'Quiet' usually means keeping the volume down, not belting out children's nursery rhymes every five minutes.

Ashton: (shrugs) I like carnations. They make me feel safe.

Louis: (softens) I understand, Fletch...(looks down at phone) Well, looks like I've got to go. The idiot should be getting home soon.

Ashton: (runs forward, crushes Louis in a hug) You'll visit again?

Louis: (hugs back) Absolutely.

Ashton: (beams) Tell Harry I said 'hi'. (pulls off flower crown, hands it to Louis) Here, give it to Darcy. I haven't seen her in forever.

Louis: (smiles, takes flower crowns) I'll bring her by, next time.

Ashton: Okey! Take care, Lou-Lou!

Louis: (as he leaves) You, too, Fletch. Goodbye.

Ashton: BYE!

QOTD: Larry shipper or nah?

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