124. ~ Inferno

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Note: The long awaited chapter! I hope it's up to par with your expectations! 


Time: 2:38 am. Few days later.

Setting: Luke's Room. Room 343.

Ashton: (nudges Luke's shoulder) Lukey. (Luke mumbles, rolling onto his side, Ashton huffs) Lukey! Wake up!

Luke: (groggy, eyes still closed) What, koala?

Ashton: (biting his lip, eyes wide) What are we, Lukey?

Luke: (blinks eyes open slowly, turns to face Ashton) Baby, what time is it?

Ashton: (blushes at the term 'baby')  I don't know. I just couldn't sleep.

Luke: Why?

Ashton: (hesitating) What are we?

Luke: (snorts, sleepily) Humans. Koala, get some sleep. (holds arms out) Come. We can cuddle.

Ashton: (sitting up on his knees, crosses arms across his chest) No! Lukey, I wanna know.

Luke: (sighs, sitting up, blinking rapidly) Okay, Ashton. What do you wanna know?

Ashton: (exasperated) Are we dating or what?

Luke: (more awake, confused) What?

Ashton: (pouting, blushing) We hug and kiss and cuddle. (twiddles fingers) And we hold hands and everyone says we're boyfriends. Lukey, what are we?

Luke: (sits up, back against the headboard, beckons for Ashton to lay against him, Ashton sits between Luke's legs, back against his chest) Koala, I don't care much for labels. But, if you want one, then that's up to you.

Ashton: (scrunches nose) So, are you going to ask me or not?

Luke: (chuckles, playing with Ashton's hair) Why don't you ask me, love?

Ashton: (blushing) I was under the impression that, um, I was the, uh, girl here.

Luke: (laughing) We're both men, Ashton. And, even if you were a girl, it shouldn't matter who asks who. (softly) But, I want you to ask me.

Ashton: (embarrassed) Why?

Luke: (turns Ashton to face him, cupping his face) I want you to be sure that this is what you want. I want you to ask me, Ashton. This is your decision. (Ashton starts breathing heavily, Luke smiles easily) You don't have to ask me, now, love. I can wait.

Ashton: (gets out of the bed) Wait here. (runs out the door, comes back holding a flower crown)

Luke: (chuckles) This for me?

Ashton: (blushing, holds the flower crown between them) I wear them because they make me feel safe. And, I've gotten so good at making them, I don't even need to open my eyes, I've been wearing them for so long because I needed a safe place, something to keep the bad thoughts away. (Luke softens, places one hand on Ashton's thigh comfortingly, Ashton takes a deep breath) My dad went to jail when I was fourteen. I don't even know what for and my mom got sick, so Niall's family took me in. To me, flower crowns helped me stay strong and deal with losing my parents. They make me feel safe and protected, like no one can touch me. (Luke pats at Ashton's hair, encouraging, Ashton smiles happily, places the flower crown on the bed) But, so do you, Lukey. You make me feel safe and happy. You're so good to me and I honestly don't deserve someone like you. I could try for a million years and never deserve you. (starts to sniffle, happy) But, I love you, Lukey. (happy tears) I love you so much, it hurts. So much, I'm afraid what would happen if I ever lost you. (crying, hands on Luke's face) Please, be mine. Lukey, please

Luke: (endearing) Oh, koala. (pulls Ashton into his arms, kissing his face all over) I love you, too, my darling. Of course, I'll be yours. Of course, my love. (Ashton starts to shake, Luke starts to stroke his hair) You're so brave, koala. So brave, Ashton. I love you so much. (pulls back to kiss Ashton on the lips, Ashton clings to him, still crying) I love you, baby. Thank you so much. Thank you, baby.

Note: I...yeah, I can't even. I hope you guys liked this chapter. 

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