67. ~ Emerge

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Time: 9:32 am.
Setting: Luke's Room. Room 343.

Luke: (walks into kitchen, sees Aleisha standing there with Alex and Jack) Why am I not surprised that you're here?

Aleisha: Shut up. I knew you before you could even drink coffee. Have a little best friend courtesy.

Luke: I never said we were friends.

Aleisha: (sarcastic) Because I let you puke on me over anything heterosexual out of the goodness of my own heart.

Luke: That's a black hole in there. I've checked.

Alex: (snickers, sees Ashton walking sluggishly into the kitchen) Hey there, rock star.

Ashton: (sleepily) Morning, everybody. (facing Luke, holds up ponytail) Do me up?

Alex: (teasing) As much as I love a free show, the straight people in the room might get a bit uncomfortable.

Aleisha: I honestly can't find myself to mind.

Alex: (smirks at Aleisha) I like you more and more.

Luke: (rolls eyes, to Ashton) Turn around. (Ashton turns, Luke takes Ashton's ponytail and starts pulling Ashton's hair up until it's in a neat bun, ties it) There. Pretty.

Ashton: (voice tired, cute) Thanks, Lukey. (turns and hugs him lightly before walking over to Aleisha to hug her) Morning, Ally. I've missed you.

Aleisha: (teasing, jokingly) And my lady parts?

Luke: (groans) Let's not go there again. Drunk Ashton is a horny Ashton. We don't need that any time soon.

Alex: (under his breath to Aleisha) Says the guy who looks ready to suck Ashton's manly parts. (Aleisha cackles, Luke glares at both of them)

Jack: You're all weird. I like it. (to Alex) Let's adopt them.

Alex: (smiling, obviously smitten) Anything you want, babe. (winks)

QOTD: What's the progression of Lashton's relationship? They obviously have feelings for each other but refuse to admit to each other - why?

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