42. ~ Admit

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Time: 12:03 am.
Setting: Luke's room. Room 343.

Luke: (Ashton tucked into his side, legs intertwined) It's been a while since I last cuddled someone.

Ashton: (lifts head) Why?

Luke: (shrugs) No one to cuddle with, I guess.

Ashton: (cute) You have me.

Luke: (pokes at Ashton's dimple) Hm, I guess.

Ashton: (after several quiet moments) Luke?

Luke: Mm?

Ashton: Why did come here? To America, I mean.

Luke: (quiet) Personal reasons.

Ashton: (continues) Like what?

Luke: (frowns, pulls away and rolls onto his side, back facing Ashton) Go to sleep, Ashton.

Ashton: (huffs) No. I wanna know. (soft, after a minute of silence) No one ever asks. I thought I'd ask. Maybe you'd feel better, having someone who doesn't completely know you, like Ally, to talk to. (quiet, nuzzling against Luke's shoulder) Lukey?

Luke: (flips suddenly, face-to-face with Ashton, eyes blazing) What is there to talk about? (fierce) Do you want a list? My fiancé cheated on me with his rich as fuck best friend. He stills calls me, asking for me back and it takes every ounce of self-control not to hop on the first back to Australia to see his beautiful body - only to be reminded how I walked in on that beautiful body in bed with another. (harsh breath) I never finished high school because I'm stupid and decided to run away with my boyfriend when I was sixteen and, of course, that's not something my posh, snot-nosed professor of fucking English father deems acceptable so home is not an option. Not to mention the fact that both my brothers would bash my heads in if they found out I was gay. I'm stuck at a dead end job with no hope of a future, cuddling with a straight man in my bed because I have too much baggage for anyone with even a drop of common sense in their brains. (huffing, tears slipping)

Ashton: (shocked) Luke...

Luke: (sniffling, turns away again) You wanted to know. There, that's all. You can now leave and tell all of Orlando that I'm just as fucked up as everyone thinks.

Ashton: (stays quiet, moves slowly and wraps arms around Luke, spooning him) I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. (Luke chokes on a sob) I don't think your fucked up. You just had more to deal with than most people. It's hard, I know.

Luke: (breaking) I fucking hate being drunk. I talk about shit that just ends up making everything awkward and hard to deal with. (weak) I'm so sorry, Ashton. This was supposed to be a time for you to heal, to vent. Not to deal with my emotional issues.

Ashton: (holds him tight) Your problems matter, too. I'm always here, Lukey. (brushes hair out of Luke's face) Let's just cuddle and go to sleep, yeah? Darling?

Luke: (turns to face Ashton, eyes droopy) I'm not a girl.

Ashton: (runs a hand up and down his arm, comfortingly) I know, darling. It just means I care. You're special enough to be called 'darling'.

Luke: (nearly asleep, amused) Sure you're not gay?

Ashton: (laughs, cuddling into Luke's chest) Sleep now. We'll talk in the morning.

Note: So...that just happened. Longest chapter, by far. 500+ words.

QOTD: Is Luke who you thought he would be? Is Ashton?

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