84. ~ Ardor

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Note: This chapter makes me want to cry, rip my heart out, stomp on it, bury it, resurrect it then kill it all over again. And I'm the one who wrote it.

Please listen to the song in this chapter. *takes a deep breath* Let's do this.

Mood: "War is Love" by Bobby Andonov.


"You'd rather leave me broken,

Than whole with an empty heart"

Time: 7:12 pm.

Setting: Troye's Room. Room 579.

Troye: (swings door open, crosses arms, blank expression) Well, well. Look who's showed up on my door step.

Luke: (furious) You made him cry. You made him cry and I get a fucking call from Calum fucking Hood screaming like a fucking banshee in my fucking ear. (shoves past him) I thought I fucking told you not to fucking mess with him.

Troye: (closes door, smirking) What did he tell you?

Luke: (glaring) He didn't need to tell me anything. It's you, Troye. (scoffs) Can't throw a fucking punch but your words are something else.

Troye: (grins, walks towards Luke) Thanks. Glad to know I have one redeeming quality.

Luke: I didn't say it was a good thing, you dick. Ashton's not like you. He's sweet all the way through. No reservations and a sensitive heart. What did you say to him, Troye?

Troye: I told him to man up and suck your dick like a good little boy because it's fucking obvious that's exactly what he wants to do.

Luke: (screechy) You did what? (slams hand against nearby table) Fucking hell, Troye! (seething, eyes scrunched close) Why? Just tell me why?

Troye: (crosses arms) Maybe because he needs to stop leading you on like a stray puppy only to turn around and kick you to the curb every time he denies how badly he wants you.

Luke: (weakly) Troye...

Troye: (grins, sly) Or maybe I wanted him to get all flustered and freaked. (walking towards Luke, voice low) Maybe I wanted him to run away. (soft, seductive) Maybe I wanted you all to myself.

Luke: (steps back) Stop it, Troye. (breath heavy) You cheated on me. I can't do this with you anymore. (starts walking towards the door)

Troye: (grabs his arm, tiptoes to whisper in Luke's ear) I'll let you do anything. (grins) C'mon, baby. I know you haven't had it in so long.

Luke: (shakes his head, shaky breath, aroused) No. Stop. Don't call me that. (pulls away) You don't get to call me that. (stumbling over his words) Besides, don't you have Tyler? (looks around the room)

Troye: I don't see him around. (raises an eyebrow challengingly) Do you?

Luke: (tight lipped) So you haven't changed.

Troye: (shrugs) Tyler and I have an understanding. Besides...(trailing a finger along Luke's collarbones) You were always so good to me. (nips Luke's jawline) So good and rough. Knew exactly how I liked it. (licks Luke's ear lobe, palm flat against Luke's chest) Remember, baby? You knew exactly how to make me scream and cry. How to tie me up. (flushed, wide-eyed) Been naughty haven't I, Lucifer?

Luke: (breathless, hard) Ashton...

Troye: (finishing his sentence) Is straight. Remember? I'm here, Lucifer. (rough, wanton) Need it so bad. Miss it so much. (tugging on Luke's hair, whispering) He doesn't have to know.

Luke: (weak) He'll know. He'll ask and I'll tell him. I'll always tell him.

Troye: (staring directly into Luke's eyes) Then give him something to really cry about. (smashes his lips to Luke's, moans) C'mon, Lucifer.

Luke: (fights back for one more moment before he gives up, growls, picks him up, Troye's legs wrap around his waist, throws him on the bed) Quiet. No talking. (pulls off his waiter tie, uses it to tie Troye's hands to the headboard) This is for my pleasure. You wanna be a slut? (doesn't bother with Troye's shirt, pulls at his pants) You get treated like one.

Troye: (mewls, breathy) Lucy...

Luke: (slaps Troye's thigh harshly, low) What did I fucking say, bitch?

Troye: (bites his lip, thoughtful, closes his eyes, sighs) I won't get too mad.

Luke: (snaps his head up, confused) What?

Troye: If you shout his name. (genuine) I won't get mad.

Luke: (shoots up to kiss him harshly) I'll never forgive myself for this.

"It's torture here in this space between,

As you're loving and leaving me"

Me: *slinks back in the corner where I belong*

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