18. ~ Giggles

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Double update. Rejoice!


Time: 7:35 pm.
Setting: Luke's room. Room 343.

Ashton: I lied.

Luke: (stares at bowl of hamburger meat) If this is about killing Calum, you should probably start packing your shit. I'm pretty sure Georgia's nice, this time of year.

Ashton: (giggles) No. Not about Calum. (playful) He's alive, unfortunately. (pauses) I lied about hating sunflowers.

Luke: (in disbelief) You're still on about that? It's been days, Ashton.

Ashton: Well, I feel bad! What if the sunflowers heard me and then I wake up surrounded by stems and leaves tying me to the ground and the mighty sunflower king is there screaming, 'Ashton Fletcher Irwin'! I now condemn thee to death via sunflower stem strangulation'!

Luke: Your thought processes amaze me. Really. I can't tell if you're really a man or child who's brain has been surgically placed into that of a grown man's body.

Ashton: Is that an insult or a compliment?

Luke: You decide.

Ashton: (small) I love flowers. And plants. Always have. My mum used to garden. (quieter) I guess it runs in the family.

Luke: My father's a professor. My mother's a housewife. I never went to Uni and, (motions to heap of hamburger meat) as you can obviously see, I'm not very good at cooking. Not everything runs in the family.

Ashton: My dad was a baker, like Harry. (pauses) But he was never as nice as Harry...

Luke: You alright there, mate?

Ashton: (snaps out of it, smiles at Luke) I'm alright. Just daydreaming! I tend to do that. (giggles)

Luke: Why do you always do that?

Ashton: Do what?

Luke: Giggle. You're always giggling.

Ashton: And you find it annoying.

Luke: (huffy) I just don't get it. You're happy all the time. It's not natural.

Ashton: I choose to be happy. (serious) I spent a large portion of my life feeling down and sorry for myself. I would rather not go through that again.

Luke: (scoffs) You? Unhappy?

Ashton: (sarcastic) Yes. Hard to believe, isn't it? (stares at Luke trying to ball up the hamburger but it keeps crumbling) Here, let me.

Luke: (raises an eyebrow but steps away, watching as Ashton puts various ingredients in) Huh. Eggs? Never woulda thought of it.

Ashton: That's because you're boring and rarely venture out to enjoy the adventures the world has to offer.

Luke: I get tattoos.

Ashton: Yeah. Lots of people do. But have you ever stopped to watch a flower open up in the morning? Or gone skydiving? Just because you look all punk rock doesn't mean you're a hardcore dare devil that lives on the edge.

Luke: And I'm assuming that all the flowers and baking doesn't make you a housewife?

Ashton: (giggles) Maybe. I'd make a pretty housewife, wouldn't I?

QOTD: What is the relevance of this chapter? Think.

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