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Chapter 191
Love and the New Main Line - Chasing Wife Crematorium [Game Plot]

In the eyes of a famous detective like Kudo Shinichi, this kind of game can be called a plot, but the plot is simply not enough to rely on flesh and blood... But

for Haibara Ai, the little girl with short chestnut hair He retorted expressionlessly, "What are you talking about? The plot of Love and the Winery is the best."

Conan: You can't be unconscionable. You are also a scientist of a dark organization. Can you respect science? good.

"I won't lie, Kudo Shinichi."

"What's going on, can you tell if you go and see for yourself?"

[The girl who woke up from the winter planet

quickly fell into confusion. In order to stop the organization before, After he fell into a coma due to the horrific bomb he planted, the last thing that appeared in his memory was the panicked face of his senior. In fact, she originally thought that something was wrong when she pressed her aching temples. After she saw the whole world clearly again, she felt that something was wrong.

She remembered that when she went up alone despite their obstruction, it must have been summer, but why now it seemed to be winter. The cold north wind blew across her cheek, cutting open her delicate skin like an ice knife.

She opened her eyes in confusion and asked, "Where are everyone?"

Maybe the only person she could find now was that person. Looking at the young man who was still shining brightly on the poster not far away, the girl walked over like this. When she saw the familiar person about to reach out his hand, the other person's blue eyes were filled with strangeness and suspicion.

"Who are you?"


"I am...what happened? Don't you recognize me?" The

young man's expression became colder, and the agent beside him asked in a low voice, "It happened. What's going on? Are they those ardent fans? Do you need help to drive her away?" "

Wait a minute, I'm actually..."

Before he could tell his situation, he was interrupted by the agent beside him. Pushing it away, the terrifying scene that turned the world upside down made her even think that she was still in a dream.

What the hell is... happening? 】

Conan at this moment: ...What is going on with this kind of speechless plot that makes people want to continue watching it.

The famous detective who just said that he definitely didn’t want to watch it anymore, and that the plot was not enough to make up for it, has now been very curious by the latest plot. For a detective, decryption and exploration will always support them. Motivation, even if he thought the game was retarded, he wanted to know what was going on.

Then the plot soon progressed to the heroine looking for the leader again. However, what is surprising is that it was always like entering a no-man's land. The dark organization did not allow her to enter at all, and even almost regarded her as someone with other agendas.

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