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Chapter 77: Chapter 77
Suo Yu plans to eat chicken live broadcast room online

  After receiving the sincere invitation from Scotland, Yuuki Sowa thought about it, well, it is not impossible to try the game of his own club. However, if he just wanted to perform the same performance test as before, he would be happy, but if it was purely for fun...

  it reminds him of Bourbon playing games last time.

  Yuki: Actually, I don’t think so, what if Bourbon becomes a chicken again, although it’s not impossible to eat chicken with a box from your teammates.

  In fact, he paid more attention to the statement behind Scotland than this. Scotland, Bourbon, and Ley went to perform the mission of the organization together again. What kind of mission required the frequent use of the three of them with code names? Belmode mentioned the organization's big money, and it seems that there is a hidden mission behind it, but does this have anything to do with him?

  No, he's just a gamer.

  At present, the organization is relatively stable, and the possibility of him being stabbed in the back is relatively small. It is more important to develop yourself first, so Sowa Yuki called Kazami Yuya over again and told him what he wanted to try.

  Yuya Kazami was shocked, "Hey, do you want to play together again?"

  Seeing him hesitant to speak, Yuki Souha smiled and said, "Why, do you want to try Kazami too?"

  Yuya Kazami : Yes... I really want to play games with Mr. Jiang Gu and Mr. Zhu Fu. )

  I had a lot of fun last time, especially Mr. Jiang Gu... It was so exciting.

  Looking at the undercover agent in front of him, he was fascinated.

  Souha Yuki: ...

  for a while the mood was very delicate.

  It seems that this undercover agent is still very devoted to his original boss. From Kazama who had a B face, he speculated that even if the original boss scolded him for being a gamer, he couldn't even get any key information, and occasionally asked him to Work overtime until three or four in the morning.

  Kazami's loyalty is very high, um, interesting, it seems that such loyalty can be cultivated and cultivated for the organization.

  Yuki Souha admired his highly loyal subordinates, so he said with a smile, "It's difficult to play a game, so I plan to open an officially certified live broadcast room to record it, it's called "Souyu Planning to Eat Chicken Online" What do you think? Like?"

  Kazami Yuya:? ? ?

  "What!?" He was shocked when he heard it, "Well, BOSS, this is not good, after all, aren't they all mysterious figures?" It's not okay to be heard by others.

  Souha Yuki asked meaningfully, "Oh, how do you know they are mysterious figures?"

  Kazami Yuya: I'm out of words.

  "Yeah, of course it's because." He scratched his head nervously, "They call each other by code names, hahaha, it sounds very mysterious." "Oh, then how do you know they are code names?" Kazami

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