Arc 18-817: Big Brother Xiao Selling Miserably

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The Zonghuang's current mood is really very complicated. He has thought about many countermeasures that this person in front of him will have.

For example, changing the subject naturally, for example, still finding an excuse to dismiss myself. But he never expected that this person would say that, and he said it so naturally, even with a smile in his eyes.

Until now, the Zonghuang has a feeling that he has not reacted.

Boss Xiao helplessly stretched out his hand and waved in front of the other party, "You're back to your senses, Your Majesty."

The Emperor of Zombies took a deep breath, "So you come from a place called Earth, but where is it, I have had people check it out, and I haven't found such a place."

"Maybe it's not in this galaxy, that's why you didn't find out. I think the planet I'm on should be very far away from here." Brother Xiao said, with a sigh in his voice.

He didn't have any nostalgia for that planet, not to mention that his death in a car accident should have something to do with those in his family.

But those people can kill themselves, it is their ability.

If you ask him if he wants to go back for revenge, he really doesn't care. Because he didn't make those few people feel better when he was alive. Now that he is dead, it is just that his skills are not as good as others, which is nothing, not to mention that he had a mental illness when he was on earth.

It can be said that many of his actions have been looking for death. His death was not so much caused by others, but rather because he didn't care about it at all, which resulted in such a result.

As long as he can care about his own life, there will be no such death, so he really has nothing to complain about.

What's more, traveling through one world after another, he almost forgot where he came from, so it can be seen that he has no nostalgia for the earth. Now I just heard about this place suddenly, so I feel a little different, but that's all.

But the Zonghuang heard the faint sigh in Mr. Xiao's voice, which made his heart ache suddenly.

He looked at the male in front of him, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Then do you miss the planet you are on? If you can't go back in the future, will you be very sad?"

The Zonghuang suddenly felt that he was still too weak, so even if he wanted to help the people in front of him return to his planet, he couldn't do it.

If the planet where this person originally lived was not in this galaxy, no matter how much ability he had, he couldn't do it.

Brother Xiao smiled and shook his head, "It's not that serious. In fact, I don't have any relatives on the original planet. I really don't have much hope to go back. That's why I suddenly heard it now, so I just feel a little bit emotional, but nothing else. "

"Don't you have any relatives?" The Zonghuang suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart.

Boss Xiao nodded. Not to mention the few people who killed him, he didn't like them, so he didn't regard those people as his relatives. Probably since his miserable mother passed away, he had no relatives.

Whether a person is a relative depends not on blood relationship, but on whether that person treats oneself well. So those who are still alive on the earth are really not his relatives.

The Zonghuang grabbed Brother Xiao's hand, as if he wanted to comfort him.

Mr. Xiao is of course happy that his daughter-in-law comforted him like this.

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