Abnormalities (Fuinn/Quicketh)

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"There was an abnormality in your test." Dr. Chin began.

"An abnormality?" Finn repeated. "What does that mean?"

"Well, Quinn's young and in good health, so we didn't think there would be anything to worry about." Dr. Chin said.

"Is there?" Finn wondered, squeezing Quinn's hand as she started crying.

"We wanna do further testing." Dr. Chin noted. "And if there's any other information we should know about your family histories, please let me know."

"When can you do the tests?" Finn questioned Dr. Chin while doing his best to comfort Quinn.

"We can make an appointment for Quinn to come back in a few days." Dr. Chin answered. "We'll do some more genetic testing, including another amnio and some bloodwork."

"What's an amnio?" Finn wondered.

"Amniocentesis." Dr. Chin clarified. "That's the test where we insert a tiny needle in Quinn's abdomen."

Finn looked at Quinn, who was still crying.

"It doesn't hurt her or the baby." Dr. Chin promised as she stood up. "I'll give you two a few minutes to talk, okay?"

"Thank you."


"Quinn. Quinn!"

Quinn ignored Finn as she closed her locker and started to walk away.

"Quinn." Finn repeated, hurrying after her. "I know you're upset about the baby, but it's gonna be okay. They're gonna run some more tests, and we'll figure this out."

"We can't afford more tests, Finn." Quinn pointed out. "We're so behind on bills as it is."

Finn nodded. "I'll take care of it."

"How?" Quinn demanded.

"I'll figure it out." Finn promised.

"You said that months ago." Quinn reminded Finn.

"I know this is scary, but everything's gonna be okay." Finn noted. "I'm gonna take care of everything."

Quinn nodded. "I just need some space to process this, okay?"

"Okay." Finn nodded back. "I'll see you at lunch then."


"Puck." Quinn said as she walked over to Puck's locker. "Do you have your car?"

"Uh... yeah." Puck answered. "Why?"

"I need you to take me somewhere for lunch." Quinn stated. "Anywhere, I don't care."

"What?" Puck asked.

"I need to talk to you." Quinn replied. "Hurry up, I don't want Finn to see us."

"Okay." Puck muttered, closing his locker and leading the way.

The pair got into Puck's truck, and he began driving.

"When are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Puck questioned Quinn as he pulled into the McDonald's drive thru. "Is it the baby?"

"I have to go for more tests because there might be something wrong with her." Quinn told Puck. "And if there is, Mr. Schue's wife isn't gonna take her, and I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"We could keep her." Puck suggested.

Quinn looked at him.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with her." Puck stated. "I'm just saying."

"That's not what you want." Quinn insisted, shaking her head. "Look at you. Look at your life. There's a reason I've been doing this with Finn."

"And as phenomenal as that's going, have you ever thought about how it might be with me?" Puck wondered.

Quinn paused and bit her lip.

"I'm not saying we'll be like the Brady Bunch or anything." Puck warned Quinn. "And you and I don't have to be together, but I have some experience with babies and kids."

"Who?" Quinn wondered.

"My sister." Puck answered. "I was seven when she was born, but my dad wasn't around and my mom was... well, my mom, so I took care of her a lot. I changed diapers and did feedings and stuff."

"When you were seven?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded slowly.

"Anyone can learn that stuff." Quinn replied. "Babies are expensive."

"I've been working since I was ten to help out with Sarah." Puck added. "And I started learning to cook back then, too."

"When you were ten?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Yeah." Puck said, taking a deep breath. "Look, I know if you give me the chance, I'll be a good dad."

"You have to prove it to me." Quinn noted.

"Then let me start by taking you to get the tests done."

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